Wake Me Up with Your Sweet Lips

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Silence. Jimmy looks down. Heat is rising up his cheeks, and his heart rate is quickly ascending. The feeling of being completely and utterly embarrassed in front of Tommy is familiar to him, so he saves face and regains eye-contact.

"If you think it'll help with the upcoming scene, sure. Want me to go get P'Aof?" Tommy asks as he begins to raise himself out of his chair.

Jimmy grabs his partner's sleeve, and softly nudges him down back to his seat. He hastily offers, "I was thinking it may be more effective if we could do it here, alone. It's hard when we're being watched. I don't feel like we're getting anywhere closer to achieving a good chemistry between our characters this way."

"Ohh, I see. Your just trying find an excuse to kiss me alone?" Tommy teases.

Jimmy comedically puts his head in his hands and lets out an exaggerated whine, "Wow, you found me out! How did you know?" Tommy lets out a hearty laugh in response.

"Okay, okay. Fine. But lets be careful. If someone finds us behind closed doors swapping saliva it'll be a harder to convince people we're not dating after this show's done."

Jimmy smirks and nods, wiping his clammy hands on his pants. Before taking a seat next to each other on a black leather couch situated in the corner, Tommy heads over to the door and turns the lock. "Better to be safe than sorry right?"

Amused, Jimmy hums in agreement and looks to his partner. They recite lines back and forth for a little bit, making sure to make eye contact when appropriate.

"We don't need an answer, whether it's real or not. If it happens to be good, we just have to be open minded." Jimmy says, knowing full well he's saying the line before the kiss. He swallows hard.

Jimmy pauses and takes a minute to look into Tommy's eyes. Then, he shoots a glance down to his partners lips and begins to slowly close the distance between them. Jimmy moves his hand into Tommy's hair, delicately resting his palm against his cheek. While he hears his own heart beating in his ears, he presses the softest kiss against Tommy's lips with barely any force. A few seconds later, he moves away for a moment, looking into Tommy's eyes, and goes back in to kiss him again, this time sucking his upper lip gently. Another kiss, and another, and Jimmy can't move away. Without realizing, his other hand finds a spot behind Tommy's neck, delicately pulling him closer and deepening their kiss. Tommy opens his mouth slightly, allowing Jimmy to take more and more until he's is on the verge of slipping his tongue into his mouth. When he opens his eyes, he sees Tommy looking down at where their lips are connected, eyes glazed and ever so slightly open. Jimmy's throat is tight, his head is fuzzy, and he can't think of a damn reason why to stop pressing kisses against Tommy's mouth when it just feels so good.

They kiss like that for a while until tommy pulls himself away. Jimmy holds in a whine from the loss of contact, but regains his composure. Moving back, he notices the red tinge around Tommy's lips and a wave of realization washes over him. He just kissed one of his best friends, completely alone and uninterrupted.

"How was that?" Jimmy asks as he wipes some saliva off the corner of his own mouth with his thumb.

Tommy looks completely unfazed. He hums in thought and pats down his previously perfectly tamed hairstyle. "I think that was certainly less forced, for sure. I could see that translating better on screen for a first kiss. Obviously, it depends how it looks to the camera, but to me, your kisses feel more natural. If we could do that again in a few minutes, I think we won't need to film more than two takes."

Seeing Tommy answer in such a methodical manner was reassuring to Jimmy in the worst way. While it was relieving to know there was no awkwardness between them, a part of him was hoping he could see Tommy mutually and equally as sexually confused. Turns out the only unprofessional one here is Jimmy. He feels like an idiot.

"Just got a text, we're ready to start filming. You feel better about it now?" Jimmy hums in response while playing with a loose thread hanging from his pants. "Cmon, it'll be fine. Chill out, okay?"

Tommy smiles, and Jimmy's feeling even worse than before.

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