CH: 2 - "They are Rage, Brutal, without Mercy... But you. You'll be worse!"

Start from the beginning

His mass killed this unfortunate one. When he threw himself at me, I stretched out the Crucible, and literally, he jumped into his death. Amid the painful screams of the creature, I cut his right side in half. It became dust in bitter screams...

The rest of the bastards, in fear, ran back into the darkness, deep in the forest. I sighted.

Doom Slayer: 'These monsters are more shameful than the demons, at least they didn't run away from death... or at least they didn't know where to run away from me.'

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I didn't want to interrupt your fight, so I waited for you, but there's something very important I'd like to tell you about these creatures. I sensed a small amount of Argent Energy coming out when you killed them, so it means they're also demonkind at some level. So if you kill enough of these monsters, you can charge up your Praetor suit... The power of your suit is on 24% your blood punch also consumed a lot of energy... I think it was almost 1% " - he said those words with his usual manner, there was nothing special about in his voice. I thought he might have been a little worried about my safety... anyway, that would have been the stupidest thing he'd ever done. Samuel continued.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "You can take advantage of the situation, and charge up your suit. Just extend your hand, where you killed the creatures, and then the rest will be taken care of by your praetor suit system... Anyway, it's a miracle the portal didn't suck all the Praetor Suit and The Crucible energy out."

Doom Slayer: 'So that's why I couldn't dash... and also it was a bit hard to walk compared back on Earth. Also, I may I ask Samuel Hayden what happened with The Demonic Crucible.' - that's what I thought as I walked where the body of that Beast was. I held out my hand and felt the argent energy suddenly flow into it. Some seconds later Hayden sighted.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "How disappointing, considering the size of it. It was only able to transfer 4% of its energy from its remaining. Maybe if you'd tried to do that at the time when you killed it, it might have been able to give you three times the amount of that energy. - he said those words arrogantly... AND SLOW AS FUCK AGAIN.

Doom Slayer: 'You couldn't have said that earlier?' - in the meantime, I realized it was dark long ago. Only the moon lit up the night that it is... split into a few pieces?

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "What a strange, and beautiful sight isn't it?... But I'm interested in whose hand is behind this, I don't think that would have been natural." -  I could hear curiosity from his voice, he could be in a robot body right now, but the curiosity inherent in all living beings remained in him.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I almost forgot about The Demonic want to find out how it ran out of power for now, don't you? - I nodded 

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "How can I explain it, so that you can understand... Mhhh... I got it. Imagine Crucible as a giant pencil, as we write with the pencil, it will slowly wear off the tip that we need to sharpen so that we can continue to write with it, is that clear? - I nodded.

Doom Slayer: 'Do he really think I'm that stupid?' - in the meantime, I cast contemptuous glances at my communicator. Samuel didn't care much about that. He just kept on saying his "example".

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "When you entered the portal, the tip of that pencil was almost worn out. so it tried to sharpen itself again, but it's very hard for it to do, while we're writing with it."

Doom Slayer: 'So by this, he meant that The Demonic Crucible could release only as much energy from itself at one time, as had released in its sword form... so that is the tip of the pencil.'

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "You seem to understand what I mean, if I could somehow turn off the power, the demonic crucible would be able to regenerate completely in a day. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the power switch. Only VEGA has access to it, but you know... we had to leave him on Urdak.

Doom Slayer: 'I don't mind being here, though, especially when the world is full of these demon-kind creatures... but I should light a fire it's so dark I can barely see my hands.' - Hayden continuing his monologue, I went for some stick in my boredom.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Otherwise you don't have to worry about the people on Earth, because they are already able to kill the remaining demons on Earth, without a leader mainly... So if you think feel free to explore this world, and meantime, try to get some samples from there. I'm interested in what this world hold for us. -  while he said these, I lit the fire with the collected sticks and firewood.

I sat by the fire and looked at the sky, the stars were shining. I wondered when I'd seen such a nice clear sky... how many years has it been? Hayden somehow was able to destroy this beautiful sighting with his metallic voice.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Just so you don't get bored, do you want to listen to the broadcast of ARC? They're all talking about you..."

Doom Slayer: 'Well, I got nothing better to do anyway...' - I nodded slightly in my annoyance.

NARRATOR: Then the Doom Slayer listened quietly and a little proudly through the ARC broadcast, and that's how he spent his first night in this new world. He did not even know that there were much more dangerous things than these beings in this unknown world, and who else he'll meet in his journey.




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