chapter 7

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Sarah POV



Nash "OH hey Nash i am sorry" i said " oh no its okay ha ha" i was just about to walk away when Nash said "Hey Sarah where are you going ?" " I am going to Carter room because Cameron said to go there when i am finished, wanna come 'cause we are leaving for Magcon?" i asked "yeah sure i am ready anyway haha." We were at Carters door and Nash knocked and Cameron opened up the door "Hey big bro " i said "hey lil sis" he said opening up the door wider so Nash and I could get in "Are y'all ready?" i asked they all said yeah.

We were waiting for the limo in the lobby 'cause a lot of girls were outside screaming. I noticed Nash was really intense and wanted to say something yet was so scared "hey Nash you okay ?" i asked "Oh wait what.. Oh yeah i am okay" he said well that was weird if i might say my self

Nash POV

I think i may have feelings for Sarah i want to ask her out but i am scared that she doesn't like me in that way, and if Cameron's okay with it, I am gonna talk to him now actually "Hey Cameron, can i talk to you for a sec?" i ask him "yeah sure " i bring him in like a Corner "Okay i am going to be straight forward with you.." i pause and Cameron has a confused face " Well i like your sister and i want to ask her on a date" He starts laughing "Yo bro your my best friend and she is my sister i wouldn't care honestly because i know you wont hurt her and if she would be happy with you than i am happy" He said a breath i didn't even know i was holding came out "O thank you so much i want to ask her out at Magcon is that alright but its a surprise so only you would know about it" i said happily "yeah okay we should go the limo is here" he said and we started walking back

 Magcon now

Sarah POV

I was in the backstage on my phone on twitter and taking random selfies and than all of a sudden i heard my name being called by one of the boys and Cameron comes and carries me to the stage i have no idea what's going on , Than Nash come on stage " Sarah Dallas i have had feelings for you for a while i just didn't show it and i am here now asking you in front of everyone... Will you go on a date with me?" He asked OMFG I CANT BELIEVE WHAT IS HAPPENING "OF COURSE" i replied. All the fans were saying 'AWWE'

Hey guys i thought i would update quickly thanks to Emily because she told me too.I will probably update tmrw if i have time but i thought i do a short chapter since i can't sleep and its 1:29 am


Peace out till later !

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