Chapter 16

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Sarah POV

It was Matt kissing another girl.. What the fuck?!? we didn't break up all we did was take a break and this is what he does???? "Oh hey Matt !! I never knew we broke up" i say to him "Who the fuck are you ?" His slut ask "For a matter of fact slut i am is girlfriend well now his ex girlfriend" i say to her "Ok whatever bitch you can leave now!" She says with attitude OH HELL NO she did not just demand me to do something "Well sorry to burst your bubble but you were his side bitch and don't you tell me what to do got it!!!?" I say and slapped her "WHOA whats going on here ??" Cameron asks "OH hey Cameron i never knew you where here.." Matt says nervously.

Cameron POV

I was drinking my frap and on twitter sitting down because Sarah was talking to Matt but i didn't want to go so i sat and i heard a slap and i seen Sarah slap a girl that was sitting on Matt lap, I am confused i thought her and Matt were dating okay then.... "WHOA whats going on here ??" i asked "Me and Matt just broke up 'cause he was kissing a slut!" Sarah said angry "EXCUSE ME?!" The girl asked i got to admit she was hot but what the hell "Okay Matt i am going to have a talk with you soon for cheating on MY sister!" i said sternly, He just nodded his head nervously "Sarah lets go i have to tell you something really important and let him and his side chick have their time and Matt I will see you later!" i said to Sarah and Matt i was going to say slut but i have fans that are mostly girls and its disrespectful.

Sarah POV

If cam didnt come at that time i wouldve beat the shit out of the girl BUT NOO he has to come right at that minute damnn "Why did you come at that time i was about to beat the girl and i was getting in my zone ya know??" i said/asked he laughed "'Cause i don't want to bail you out of jail but don't worry,  it wouldnt be worth your time anyways" He said "So what did you want to tell me again??" I asked curiosuly, and we were walking back home "I wanted to know if you want to live with me and Nash since youre done school anyways and if you want you could bring some friends as room mates" He said i was super happy "OH MY GOD YESS I WOULD LOVE TO!!!" I said jumping up and down.

"But dont you guys live in a apartment and you guys dont have enough room where am i going to sleep and how would my room mates fit?" I asked " Well about that we are moving into a house and its HUGE" He said "Oh OKAY oh my god thank you thank you soo much i love you soo much!!" i said jumping up and down " I love you too, So who are you going to invite to live there anyways??" he asked "Uhm i dont know yet..." We walked into the hiuse since we were already there.

When i opened the door i found someone i didnt think i would see in like forever.....

Cameron POV

We had a special someone waiting at home for Sarah, They havent seen eachother in so long, I think Sarah face is going to be priceless. We get into the house and Sarah has a surprise look on her face.


Hey guys whats up??? Well anyways i need some people for the roomate i am going to pick 2 people i guess haha!!

Who do you guys think it is ? Is it a youtuber, Viner, or a special friend ??? You guys choose well later yall


Peace out till later !!

Bullied By Shawn Mendes.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя