"When he gets to wherever went to, so I'll have to give them to him" I sigh and put them on a chair.

"You don't have to give them to him" Caitlin implies.

"But I want to, besides do you think you guys will?" I ask and they shake their heads.

Apparently Barry has been fainting and he didn't have the decency to tell us, so now he has his shirt open and sweet lord his chest is holy god. Caitlin is having a go at him which I would be doing but I'm busy helping Cisco.

"You lied to us! How could you not tell us you were experiencing dizzy spells, we're your doctors. God knows what's going inside your body, your cells are at constant state of velux you could be experiencing cardio pollunary failure or a transcident schiematic attack" Caitlin explains, Barry look at me.

"Mini stroke, probably not" Barry understands by nodding.

"You of all people should know that in science we share, we do not keep secrets" Caitlin harshly exclaims while she walks off.

"Wow, I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie" Cisco says, I wince when I hear Ronnie's name Cisco is right no one has ever made her that mad.

"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiancee the one that died the night the particle accelereator explosion?" barry asks me, which I nod and walk off to the computers.

"Yeah he is missed. Now let's figure out why this is happening to you" Dr Wells says.

"Yeah or else you could keep fainting and hurting your pretty head" Barry's eyes widens, I just realized what I said.

"I mean, uhh" I stutter while Barry smirks at me, I walk off quickly to start testing.

We move to the room which has the treadmill that Cisco made or should I say 'ciscoed' Dr Wells, Caitlin and I sit at the computers ready to check his vitals and speed.

"You sure about this Cisco?" Barry asks.

"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of 12 miles p/h. this one has been ciscoed trust me it can handle your speed" Cisco explains which makes Barry less scared.

"That's why we have the boxes Barry" I point out, he nods and starts running on the treadmill.

"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal" Caitlin explains.

"For Barry" Dr Wells points out.

"Brain can function with standard limits" I bring up, which makes Cisco chuckle.

"Told you the treadmill could take it" Cisco smiles at his experiment.

"Caitlin, Laura look at the glucose levels" I snap my head to them which makes me feel like an idiot for not seeing it.

"Oh my god, of course" Caitlin replies.

"How could we have not seen that?" I ask.

"Barry we think we know why you keep" Barry fell back into the boxes, which makes me wince "Passing out"

I stood by Barry's bed, he passed out again but he woke up and we rushed to help him up. "I passed out again?" He asks.

"Total metabolic failure by acute hypoglyciema" Caitlin explains, which means he isn't eating enough.

"I'm not eating enough?" I nod. "I need my v back and I'm good to go" Cisco turns him around to show the bags he drunk.

"Try 40 you were thirsty" Dr Wells smiles.

"You have metabolic changes, we need to fix you a new diet" He nods and I walk off to the computers.

"I did some calculations and you need to consume 850 tacos, unless we're talking cheese and gauc which is a whole new level of equations" Cisco smiles.

"I recommend Tito's on Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city" I turn my head to the door and see Detective West who is like a father figure to Barry.

"Detective West what brings you to Star Labs?" Dr Wells asks.

"When I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little bit of research turns out there's been reports of red streak around the city stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings" Joe explains, ooh busted.

"You didn't tell him we were working together?" Dr Wells asks Barry. He shakes his head signalling he didn't.

"Joe I can explain" He starts to speak but Joe cuts him off.

"You already have a job in law enforcement Barry, I suggest you get back to it" He tells Barry.

Caitlin makes a 'mhm' sound which makes Joe look at her "Don't look at me I'm on your side" I nudge her with my elbow but she ignores me.

"Detective West we all want what's best for Barry" He tries to explain.

"If you wanted what was best for Barry you'd try to talk him out of it instead of encouraging him, going out there risking his life!" Joe exclaims.

"You saw a man control the weather!" What are the police gonna do against someone like that? Since the acerelator explosion we suspect there are more like him" He argues back.

"What are you gonna do? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that your invincible, your not. You're just a kid, my kid" Joe retaliates.

"I'm not your kid Joe! And your not my father, my father sitting in Iron Heights wrongfully convicted, you were wrong him, and your wrong about this now I may not be able to help him but if I can save someoene from a burning building or stop some more thieves! I'm gonna do it and you can't stop me! So don't try" Barry exclaims, I've never seen him so fired up especially to the person who has took care of him when his father was in prison from what Iris told me.

"You think your so smart, all of you but you don't know what you don't know and I hope that your clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed" Joe turns around and leaves, which just sends us in a silence.

That was the first half of the second episode!

So does anyone like Linda? I personally ship him with Caitlin because crazy for you had major snowbarry in it and the last episode it made me cringe when Linda and Barry kissed. Sorry for spoilers x

Vote, comment and Enjoy

~ courtnie

dedicated to @structure because her stories are amazing and her profile pic perfection

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