19~ Natalie White

Start from the beginning

The quarterback didn't get to go that far before Xavier tackled him, fixing Cory's mistake after him. Grabbing the ball from the quarterback, Xavier passed it to a reciever who passed it to a tackler on our side.

The tackler ran till the 60 yard line before passing the ball to Jake once again, the dude looks red in the face with exhaustion now. Noticing Jake's exhaustion Xavier ran to him and he handed the ball swiftly to Xavier, who in turn barelled with all his remaining energy towards the endzone.

The tackler who dare got in his way ended up being squashed to the ground only to be collected by a spatula. Xavier kept panting and sweating as he ran before jumping the remainder of the way right on to the end zone and touched down, scoring the victory goal.

"9 to 0!, We won! Xavier did it!", I yelled as I clapped my hands and jumped around. In my excitement I think I even hugged Mia, momentarily shocking her.

As the Vipers were declared the winners of the Interschool football championship, I saw Coach Derek bawling his eyes out in happiness.

Shifting my attention from the crying Coach to infront of me, I jumped back noticing Xavier standing in front of me in all his 6 foot sweaty glory.

"I did good?", He asked smugly noticing my excitement.

"Way better than good! I can't believe our school actually won for the first time in history!", I squealed happily.

"See what you would've missed if you stayed home feigning 'sick', Xavier teased in air quotes.

"I'd like to think that Vipers won because I was here bringing luck to the game", I smiled smugly

"Sure. It obviously had nothing to do with us sweating our asses off on the field", he rolled his eyes at me with a smile.

"Shit! Do you know the time!?", All of sudden his mood changed as I quickly grabbed my phone from my skirt pocket to check the time.

"6:40 Pm", I told him as he muttered a fuck under his breath.

He then started walking away without a word. Whiplash! Whiplash is what I'll always have at the end of our conversations.

"Where you going?", I yelled after him.

"I have places to be!", He yelled back without turning around.

"You can't go, you have to-", I couldn't finish as he was already out of sight.

What on earth is he running off to now?

"Nat did you see Xavier!?", Cory asked from behind me.

"He just...left?"

"Shit! You should go get him as Coach wants him to accept the trophy", Cory pushed me to go get Xavier.

"But I-" What is it with men and disappearing! Second time today!

Rolling my eyes I ran in the direction Xavier went, only to see him boarding a bus.

"Shit!", I muttered to myself as I quickly ran to my car and drove out swiftly.

Why am I doing this again? Cause you're a nosy bitch who wants to find out what he's up to. My subconscious speaking facts.

Driving around I couldn't find the bus he boarded, So I just drove to the address I saw on his student profile. As I reached there I saw a cloaked and hooded figure, suspiciously like Xavier come out of the run down gym that I once saw him enter.

Deciding against all voices of reason, I followed him from the shadows till he boarded a rusty old car with a rusty old man in it.

I tailed the car to a very very shady part of town till I reached a lair like place with zero lights.

What the fuck have I gotten myself in to? For all I know he could be a serial killer and not Xavier.

In all the horror movies I've watched, I kept telling myself that if it was I in that situation, I wouldn't be dumb like the whores in them and go inspect whatever spooky shit going on... but here I am being the dumb white blonde in them movies.

I followed the two figures to a dingy entrance of a basement where there was a whole line up of people waiting. But waiting for what?

I saw the two figures move in through a side door instead of waiting in the line like the others. Me being the smart girl I am followed them after a while of waiting, through that side door.

Just as I entered, on the other side layed await a giant in cheap tuxedo.

"Where do you think you're going young lady?", his eyes greedily trailed down my body, igniting a shiver of disgust within me.

"I am the entertainment", I smiled seductively burying my urge to vomit on him.

"Cheerleader huh? Cool...I'll look forward for your action kitty cat", he patted my ass as he let me through. I had good mind to smash my knee in his precious jewels but I contained myself as I didn't want to be killed.

Cheers, screams and filth surrounded my ear drums as I walked in through the dimly lit hallway. But as I neared a certain door I heard something that chilled me to my core.

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