An idea and lunch

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While my computer was booting up, I went through the pictures on my camera to try and decide which pictures were the best for my final project. We were told that we were to create a photo portfolio that encompassed something we love, so I decided to go to the park since it was my favorite one in the area. Since nature and animals were always beautiful to me, it was an easy choice to choose the park. It was full of bunnies, squirrels, and flowers year round it seemed.

I turned off the camera and took the SD card out so I could insert it into the side of my computer to transfer the photos, and while I waited I took out my phone to text Asher so he had my number in his phone.

Holly: Hey Asher, it's Holly! I thought I would text you so you had my number too.

I put my phone and down and turned my attention to my computer that just finished downloading the photos. I needed to choose between ten and fifteen to use for the assignment, and I had taken a total of about one hundred. I knew that I wanted half the pictures to be of animals and half to be of flowers, and I figured that should be an easy method, but it wasn't. I kept being distracted by the photos I didn't plan on using, the pictures of Asher and Carol.

The two of them just looked so joyful and loving that I became envious of the fact that I didn't have any siblings. I was an only child that lived with my dad because my mom didn't live long after my birth. She had cancer that she found out about a little after I was born and died in June after my second birthday. My dad was no longer with me either because he also had a long, hard battle with cancer.

I lived with my aunt and uncle before coming to college, and since I was able to get a full ride here, I was able to go to college worry free of debt. It was a burden I was grateful I didn't have to bear, but the only sad part was the fact I couldn't afford to travel home for Christmas this year. I was going to spend it here in my dorm room by myself.

A ding on my phone took me away from editing the first few photos of flowers. I was editing the background so it would fade into a darker, unfocused shade. The red petals would pop more because of it.

Asher: Hey! Thanks for the message. I was wondering when I would hear from you.

I smiled as I read his message, and replied after an idea popped into my head.

Holly: I actually have an idea, and I was wondering if I could run it by you. If you and your parents are okay with it.

Asher's reply was almost immediate.

Asher: Sure. What's up?

I gave a triumphant smile to my phone as I typed out the plan that I hoped would work out because if it did, I had a feeling that it would make my final project so much better.


"I can't believe you did tell me you were meeting a guy for lunch sooner than right now!" my best friend Jessica said as we walked out of photography and towards the cafeteria, "it is the first time you have even mentioned a guy to me, and you've had these plans with him since Saturday!"

"I'm sorry," I said back to Jess, "i didn't realize it was that big of a deal. I'm just meeting a new friend for lunch."

"A friend?" she said, raising one eyebrow, "That's all he is?"

"Considering I met him three days ago, yes, just a friend," I said with a roll of my eyes, "I've never had a boyfriend before, so what makes you think I'm going to get one now?"

"Well, considering you really dressed up today," she said and paused to look me up and down, "I'd say my assumption isn't that farfetched."

"Shut up," I said back nudging her with my shoulder, "I'm not that dressed up." I was only wearing a sweater with jeans and heeled ankle boots. However, I blushed despite my opinions of my outfit.

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