Quit Your Stuttering [Peter Parker]

Start from the beginning

"Here's your purse," he said and handed it to you. Your jaw had dropped, somewhat in awe and another part in shock. Seemed like Peter wouldn't be the only one with a story. He was turning to leave and swing off in the distance like he always did, but you finally snapped out of your daze and called,


He turned to look back at you, and even though you couldn't see his eyes there was a softness to his stance like he knew you. Or maybe you were a friend.

"T-Thanks," you stuttered.

"Anytime," he said and before you knew it he had disappeared behind the buildings. You eagerly awaited the next day where you'd be able to tell your tablemates, but for now, you had to find a way to explain to your father why you were late and that was found to be one hell of a conversation.


"So Spiderman saved you?"

"Well more like my money," you explained. "The guy wasn't after me, but still when I got to look at him up close he just came off as so...so young." you frowned

"How old do you think he is?" Peter spoke up after being quiet for a while.

"Not much older than us if not the same age. It's kind of weird, the youngest superhero or inhuman I've heard of were the Maximoff twins, but they're in their twenties. I don't think I could be a superhero that young."

"Yeah," MJ nodded. "Seems like a lot of responsibility."

Peter shrugged it off and started to eat his food, "Eh, he's probably twenty or something."

"Yeah maybe." you nodded and lunch continued on.


"Hey Pete, want to pair up for the lab?" you asked coming to sit next to him.

"Y-Y-Yeah, s-sure." he nodded, quickly shutting the drawer he was looking in.

You gave him a kind smile and pulled out the pre-lab, taking a look at the materials you would need and evenly dividing the tasks.

The lab was a simple one, just for review, the goal was to try and separate three ions that were in a mixed solution using different reagents that would help form precipitation.

"So, you doing anything after school?" you asked while you were mixing two of the substances and filtering them.

"U-Uh I got a little something to do after school," he shrugged, "But nothing for later today."

"Well you should come by my place if you want," you suggested. "I invited MJ and Ned over to watch A New Hope,"

"Wait you like Star Wars?" Peter looked up at you with a grin.

"Love it," you smiled. "Been obsessed since the seventh grade."

"Huh," he smiled, "Well count me in, I'd like that."

"Sweet, I guess I'll see you later tonight too then."

"Yeah, I guess you will."


"Peter! You made it," you smiled and hugged your friend at the door. He carefully wrapped his arms around you too and felt safe in your embrace.

After letting him go you pulled Peter into the small apartment and introduced him to your dad.

"Peter this is my dad, dad this is my friend Peter from school."

"Nice to meet you kid," your dad smiled and shook Peter's hand. "You guys have fun I've got to head off to work. No shenanigans (Y/N) okay?"

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