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Her head started aching as her vision grew clearer. "What the..." she spoke, not knowing where she was or how she ended up there, noticing the people around her who were surprised to see her awoken, one of them said;

"Your Highness!" 

"Thank goodness. Olivie, call His and Her  Majesty." A young girl with freckles and orange hair nodded, she noticed the clueless girl was staring at her, she responded with a relieved smile. 

"What's happening? Where am I? Did it work?" Surrounded by women in maid dresses her bisexuality switch flipped on, 

"Your Highness, do you not remember? You suddenly passed out in the middle of the hallway a month ago. It was very frightening.." The maids cried, there were only a few present as well as a few male servants and workers.

"A MONTH AGO??" She shouted, 'Damn, was I in a coma or something?'  
Instantly, the doors slammed open as a woman with short white hair and a man with golden hair dashed in. 

"Liliana!" the two rushed to her side, pulling her into their arms. The woman was fairly beautiful, she was like someone out of a tv series. Her pale complexion grew a bit of worry inside the girl.

"Are you alright, dearest? Does anything hurt? Do you know who I am? Call Sir Charles immediately!" The woman checked her arms, her face and complexion. Asking if she was okay over and over again, she seemed like a loving and protective woman.

"Who and where am I...? And who are you guys?" The two looked at each other, the maids already scattered looking for the mentioned 'Sir Charles' 

It hit her, her mouth gaped in realization. 'It worked?!'  she couldn't believe it, having mixed feelings she was focused on one thing. Confirming it.

"Is there a hand mirror nearby?" She asked, a slight nervousness in her voice. The woman who was sat beside her handed her a hand mirror from her side desk, The young girl examined her appearance, facial features, tried to pinch herself. And she was convinced, but wasn't happy.

The reflection of snow-colored hair, red eyes as deep as blood.  "It actually worked? Oh no....." her chuckle had a tint of nervousness. 

Chapter I : Denial


As a reader of the novel she was incarnated in, she knew what events would unfold. Sitting on the couch she clasped her hands and thought hard.

"Your Highness?" Olivie, the maid from earlier, carried bed sheets inside the bedroom noticing the young girl who was focused.

'Liliana May Raghnall, the oldest and only Royal Princess of Raghnall.  A side-character in A.G.O.R who helped the villain. She died by committing suicide as her mind was torn in pieces'
she sighed. "I don't wanna do this." sipping her tea, she spat it out when Olivie surprised her.

"Your Highness!"
"O-Olivie, what's up?"

"Your Highness, you are acting very strange today, it is as if you are a different person. I would know since I am the closest to you!" seemingly proud at her last sentence.

"I am finished, Your Highness. I'll be going now." Olivie Sanders, a commoner who had served the Imperial Family since birth. She's the youngest out of all maids and the closest to Liliana.

"You told me you'd help me." She spoke to herself like a crazy person. "Oii" losing hope that she might not be able to contact the one who spoke to her, she decided to try it out anyways.

"Shouldn't you give me my skills and stuff in my past life? I'll show you a really good show." She bargained to herself, sipping her tea caused a headache to start. 

"Ow, ow, ow" Feeling dizzy, she laid down on the sofa eventually drifting off to sleep. "Your Highness, I'm back with your-- oh!"

The maid found the sleeping princess in a ill-mannered position. Though she knew the princess would be lectured, she wondered to herself if her princess hadn't had a good rest. Giving the sleeping princess a blanket, she left the room.

A cyan fire lit up in a dark place, slowly fading away. "Oi, wake up." The voice was deep but not too deep, the girl's eyes opened as she saw the white haired man who had long hair smoking in a long cigarette holder.

"Where the hell is this?" Fully waking up, sitting under a jacaranda tree, the only other thing that could be seen in the dark surrounding was I and the endless river where koi fish swam. The petals of the jacaranda tree falling but never ending.

"The name's Nox, god of creation. You know me as that dude who sent you that text." 

Though she didn't say it her feelings were written on her face. "I'll make it short."
"You're incarnated as Liliana, the sister of Alicia in AGOR. You can't leave this world unless you make a proper ending or you die."

I shrugged, "Well, it's faster if I do this." Lifting up his point finger, she pointed to her temple. Firing a blue fame, it shot through.

"Good Evening, Your Highness. We tried to wake you up, however you weren't waking up. His and Her Majesties are quite worried." Another maid who had blonde hair tied into a ponytail which laid on her right shoulder, she shook Liliana.  The maid was carrying a box, noticing Liliana's look at it, she explained.

"Earlier, a man by the name 'Nox' delivered this book addressed to you. Do you know him by any chance, Your Highness?" Shaking her head, she didn't seem to realize what the maid had said, realizing a second later she immediately took teh box and pracitcally butchered it open.

'It's written in  japanese.... 取扱説明書*...?'
*Toriatsukai setsumeisho = instruction manual

"Oh uh, are Father and Mother still awake?" Noticing she acted strange, she apologized and changed the topic, "Yes, they have been waiting in the dining hall for you."

"I see, tell them I have woken up. I'll be down soon." The maid bowed, closign teh door on her way out, she left Liliana to her privacy.

Opening the book, she was surprised to see kanji.

'Page I: Important Things;

1. You must never tell anyone you are not Liliana
2. Your past-life skills are already in you as well as Liliana's
3. You're 10 years old, so act like one
4. Things may or may not go along the real storyline if you stray away from it too much
5. Do whatever you want and give me a good show'

'THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE THE OTHER PAGES FOR?'  Turning over to the next page, she saw it's contents, leaving her with no words. "It's... the novel?"

Her stomach growled, "I should probably eat first." Sighing, she stood up from the couch and made her way to the dining hall. Taking her time, she looked at the walls, the interior and decorations, the roof's patterns, the chandeliers. The view was breathtaking,

"Mother? Father?" The door creaked open, the two stood up immediately, hearing the voice of their daughter. "Lily dearest, come let's eat together." The golden haired man said, he is the King of Raghnall, Damon Salvatore Raghnall.

The woman beside him, Queen Diana Rose Raghnall is cursed, though it didn't seem like it. She was cheerful despite her situation. The three ate happily, Liliana felt as if she had a new home and family that was loving.

"Come to think of it, Olie's arrival is pretty soon." Diana started, "Ah, yes. Lily dear, are you excited to have a little brother?"

"Brother?...... OLIE???" Her hands stopped moving, she was surprised to hear that the story had already started taking place. 

To be continued.

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