I get waken up from my nurse, to feed Savannah, but realize that she slept in the arms of her father. He too wakes up, giving her to me. She doesn't seem to take long to feed since she was always hungry. But the nurse does come back, and have us name her. "Savannah Olivia McCall" "Argent" I turn quickly to Rafael, but he seems to know what he was doing. "That's a lovely name for a sweet baby girl." She leaves us alone in the room afterwards. "I though she was going to have your last name." "She will, but she will also have yours. It won't be in the certificate that we make up, but in the one at the hospital, she will."

I hold her a little while longer.

Just a couple minutes after 10 am, Chris and Victoria come in the room with a hurry. "Dad's here! And he's looking for you." I quickly get out of bed and get Rafael who is in the next room. "He's here. My dad, we have to hide her now. And you can't be in the room either." He runs in the room with me, helping him grab his stuff and take Savannah in her crib. Chris takes me into another room, that isn't filled with balloons and flowers, and has the original pictures of the hospital.

Just sitting down on the bed, my dad walks in, "Your safe. I though you would go to Deaton for help, but when Chris told me you were here in the hospital, I couldn't believe it. But thank goodness your here and safe." He sits down next to me, telling about how his day has been, and asking me if I will be able to travel to France hence the incident. But then the 'Doctor' comes in and asks my dad to leave because I'm planning to take some test that will be taking the whole day. He says goodbye to me and Chris leaving his gift behind. "That was a close one wasn't it." I fall back onto the bed, trying to find a reason why I did this.

Back in my room, the actual Doctor that is drugging Melissa has come into my room , ready to take Savannah, and to give me some medicine and a name to a local psychiatrist that will help me with the challenges. "No thank you, I'll find a way to cope with me losing my daughter."

I grab a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt from my bag, I grab Savannah and take her by the window with me and sit down. Chris and the Doctor give us time alone, before she has to go. It's snowing outside, perfect time to sit by the fire and have your daughter with you.

"I know you might not remember this, but I just want you to know that I will always and forever love you. You will always be in my heart. I wish that I could see you grow up, and that I can see you be happy, and love life the way a child should. Your going to have a new mom, and probably a couple new siblings along the way. Some kids will notice that you don't look a lot like Melissa, but don't let that bother you okay, because one day I will help you and explain to you why I'm doing this. It's not because I don't love you, but its because I can't raise a child who's going to turn out to be like me when I get older. I don't want you to be around my father, you are going to love your new life with Melissa and your father. I love you so much baby girl." Just in time, Chris and Rafael come in. "It's time." They nervously come into the room, I walk over to the crib with pink blankets as a cover bed.

Rafael takes her to the other room, Melissa is still unconscious. Chris comes behind me, "I'm going to be here, I'm going to be there for her. I promise you that." I watch closely, as the Doctor goes beside Melissa, injecting her with a dose of something to wake her up. And when she does, she doesn't remember a thing. I could here what Rafael was telling her, "You got a in bad car accident, and you hit your head pretty hard. When I got the 9-1-1 call, I saw your car crash off the road, so I pulled you out and took you to the hospital. You were pregnant, and luckly...you both got out alive. You and our daughter." He moves aside, and she starts to cry.

I bring my hand up to my mouth, "It's okay. It's okay to cry." Chris tells me. He takes Savannah to her, and they watch her, together. As a family, something we could have been. She kisses her head, in awe of the sweet girl in her arms. "My sweet baby." She whispers. Rafael hands the doctor a camera, he stands between my view and them, they smile, like the happy family they are.

Chris wraps his arms around me, "Let's go. You don't' need to watch anymore." He drags me to face the other way. All seeming like slow motion as we walk down the hallway from their room.

When we get to the first floor, my father was waiting for me to come down, already packed with my luggage, Chris let's me walk myself to my fathers hands and wraps me in them. I try not to cry, but I can't help it. "What's wrong baby girl?" I shake my head, "I'm going to miss Beacon Hills a lot, that's all." He takes me to the car, and turns it on to warm up. Chris and my father exchange goodbyes before parting their ways, I sit in the car, with the radio on, trying to forget about these 9 month's.

"We're going to see a family, they need help with their son who has turned himself into a werewolf by the bite of the Alpha. They want him dead." I knew what that meant, that I would have to kill the innocent child by myself, showing no regret of murdering him to my father.

The airport wasn't filled with many people, ordinary people who go to vacations out of nowhere. Business people pass by us on the way to E24. The flight will last 17 hours, 3 stops in between, "Well at least we will be going to England, Spain, and France while we're there." My dad tries to break the silence, "Yeah, at least I'll be away from this place for long time, maybe until Chris and Victoria have a child of their own." The plane welcomes passengers on the 1st class, just giving the other classes a couple of minutes to sit down before taking off. "I think I'm going to need a cup of scotch." He tries to get the flight attendants attention, and succeeds.

20 Hours Later

We finally arrive at our hotel room, the bell boy opens my door. "Bienvenue en France Mme Argent." I thank him, getting my bags and putting them inside. French and Gothic architecture fills the streets, people and small cars roam around me, greeting us the amazing place I will be staying at in the next few months ahead of me. "Wonderful, isn't it. Welcome to your new home Kate." My father walks in opening the door for me instead of the bellboy. "I think I'm going to like it here."

The White Wolf ( Derek Hale Love Story) #7Where stories live. Discover now