IV | carmen

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A SLIGHT RATTLE OF the rickety railways of the london stations shook the train to a heavy start. Children bid goodbye to their parents, whom they wouldn't see for three or four months. It was bittersweet for many, abandoning their joyous summers and abundance of memories, but were reunited with the magical atmosphere and towering castle of their school. She was once like that, a glisten in her honey pooled eyes, hope and innocence. Now she was built from boredom. When the train sped forward with a shake she was practically unbothered, too endorsed in the intricate pages of her book. Carmen had noticed him enter though, his mere appearance causing a tug at the side of her lips, a cunning smirk.

      "I'm surprised you blessed me with your honourable presence, Black." She teased, not really caring enough to look up from her book. "I gathered you would have spent the journey with Rosier and Avery, aren't they your current goons?"

      Regulus rolled his eyes bitterly, placing himself opposite Carmen. She was a shorter girl, with a fair complexion, littered with sparse blotches of sun and dirt. The sun didn't compliment her though, in a way it despised her. She was an acquaintance of the moon, it's borrowed dullness taking a liking to the shadowing dimples that ploughed through an occasionally rare smile. Regulus couldn't deny her unusual beauty, nobody could, but she was never favoured by many of her fellow Slytherins. Rosier and Avery had been an example of that, always taunting the girl, labelling her an associate of blood-traitors. Maybe once, she could have agreed with them, but not now. And she had the cursed mark to prove it.

    Regulus was quick to retrieve his book, wasting little to no time with reading over the words, burying himself in whatever story was embedded into the thin pages. The girl had resorted to closing hers, which was unusual, but Regulus hadn't paid much attention. But he had noticed when her gaze fell upon him, a smirk playing at her lips as she watched him in amusement.

    "What?" He spat, the first time the boy had spoken in what felt like hours. She chuckled slightly, confusing Regulus even further.

    "You intrude my peace but then don't bother to converse with me, like at all?" She pouted sarcastically, tapping her fingers orderly against the table.

     "Since when was Carmen Arcadia one for small talk?" Regulus retorted, finally looking up from his book, oh how he craved a cigarette. She raised an eyebrow, it had been somewhat surprising, that Regulus had actually knew her well. The boy was the only friend she had remaining after her brother left Hogwarts, though Regulus was slightly more popular amongst his fellow Slytherins.

       "Oh I'm not." Carmen queried, now accompanying her chin with the soft exterior of her palm. "But I am interested in your summer—"

      "No." Regulus cut her off, his expression slowly dazed from a sudden agitation, he would talk about anything but his Summer. "I'll happily leave if you even attempt to pry about that."

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