Till Death do you part the world but not our hearts

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  • Dedicated to Matthew Johnson

Born Febuary 9th,1988

Died May 13, 2010

Gone, Gone forever

Not able to be seen

Not able to be heard

Buried six fix under

In a white porclin casket

With the outfit your family choose for you resting place

Under gravel and dirt

With your bruises and scars

Untouched from now on in

Now just a memory

Remembered for ever

With love in our hearts

You left us to soon

Not able to grow with us

Not able to hear a laugh

You parted from the world

You lived a normal life

Leaving many behind you

Hopeing we will see you on the other side

Waiting for us giving us your hand once again

To help us understand that there is no more pain

You parted from the world but not our hearts

Still loved and cared for

As we remember you

Laughing, crying, and listening

Helping, advising, and being there.

You will be remebered and loved forever

Its been a year now and as the years go by

Its just a year closer till we meet again

When ever that maybe

I know you will wait for us

Guide us to the light

Where we will laugh once again

Talk about the old times we had

Remembering the friendship I still hold dear to my heart

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