The meaning of Death

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Death is a cold word

It happens upon someone getting a hit and run

When a pool of blood is drained and they lye there in a puddle

The color blue and the Ice cold touch is what your complextion has turned to.

Your heart stops sometime sudden and no pain other times it lingers and you lay still even if help arrives they maybe to late.

After a few day your loved one lay you to rest under six feet of dirt to vist you on holidays and your birthday. To celbrate the life you lived.

Death can be quicker to come then you know, a decision to end your own life

Life flashes before you very quickly

Death can come in all shapes and sizes

Just like playing with your dads gun and you accidently pull the trigger and kill your best friend.

As you sit there screaming for help you hold the lifeless body that you made all by playing a game

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