Seen but not heard

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Sitting in the back of the room

Amoung peers you call friends

Everyone is looking at you..

As you speak no on hears the words comming from your mouth.

Everyone knows who you are..

But they dont hear you...

They dont feel the tears you shed,

The sorrow you hold inside

As you watched them die.

You planned it

You timed it

Now everyone is dead

You were the quiet and deadly

As you sat in the back of the room

You planned there death

But lost your own as well

You hit the button

Watch them scream for help

Pounding on door

Jumping out of windows to there death...

All because they didnt like you

Didnt want to hear your thoughts

Or just be a friend when your life seemed worthless

By killing  them you killed your self

Shot by the police and as you died you laughed

Your last thought was Its over.

In your plan though you lived

Peers killed you from the inside out

But you died from the outside in.

Hurting everyone you touched, loved and knew.

All you could think of was only if they just lisened to me, got to know me, or atleast understood me.

They died from your selfishness.

Your in the ground with them

Except they will be going to heaven

You will be in hell

Depressing poems Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now