How they feel about your relationship

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You have to make it clear that you want it to be a romantic relationship because this boy doesn't know much about that sort of things.

All he knows is that he loves you and that you keep telling him that you feel the same.

Once he starts understanding more of what it means to be in a committed relationship he gets very excited. He'll do anything to make you feel loved and to keep you around.

He loves it when you call him your 'boyfriend' or 'love' and he sure wouldn't mind if he got promoted to 'hubby'!

All in all your relationship makes Jason very very happy!


Relationship? What do you mean relationship?

You are just living together, sleeping together, eating together, having sex together... So what if you're the only person he's ever been comfortable with, and that you make him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside... and who cares about the fact that he would protect you from all evil and kill anyone who dared look at you or touch you in a way Michael didn't approve of?...

Michael sees nothing that would justify anyone thinking you two were "in a relationship".

If you call him your boyfriend he wouldn't correct you, mostly because he prefers to not talk, but he also wouldn't acknowledge that it was his correct title.

He's happy with your relationship even if he won't admit that it's a thing...


From the moment he saw you he knew he wanted to be the only man in your life.

It took quite a long time for him to get to the point when he was able to express his feelings towards you so when you two finally ended up in a real relationship he was beyond happy.

He'll cherish your relationship till the day he dies and it will always be his number one priority.

He ultimately wants to be your husband but he literally takes anything he can get! 

He's living his dream with you by his side.

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