Why they didn't kill you

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First one! Not all that long but I wanted to start somewhere and this seemed like a good place. Enjoy!


It had been quite obvious to Jason that unlike most teenagers you weren't there for the money but for the kids. This had made him somewhat uneasy when he started picking off the other counselors and your turn got closer and closer.

Even if he felt uneasy he still knew he had to kill you, you were still in his territory and mummy wanted them all dead.

He had made up his mind on how he would get to you the easiest but when the moment came you did something that blew his mind. You defended a little girl from her bullies when they teased her about the horrible burns that covered her body. You told those kids that it was never ever okay to be mean to others, no matter what they looked like, their abilities or disabilities. And then you told them that there had once been a young boy in camp who ended up having a horrible accident because of his bullies, and those bullies then had to live with that knowledge for the rest of their lives!

Jason felt like everything he'd ever known was turned upside-down. This person understood what bullies did to people and the dangers it posed. He made up his mind then and there that he wouldn't touch you.


He really never made the decision to spare you, it just kind of happened.

He was hurt and ended up hiding in your garage where he passed out from blood loss. You found him, nursed him back to health and because of that Michael started to form a sort of obsession with you.

He full on believed that he would kill you once he was healed but when the time came, he was so comfortable in your home that he kept coming back whenever he was hungry or cold. He, of course, started stalking you when you went to work or to the store, just making sure no one touched you.

Basically, he intended to kill you one day but that day just never came.


Bubba fell head over heals for you! There was no way he could kill you!

You'd ended up knocking on the Sawyer's door one late afternoon after escaping a hitchhiking-gone-wrong. Luda May opened the door and when she saw the state you were in, invited you inside.

Not knowing that anyone was there Bubba had walked into the kitchen, chainsaw and all, and found you sitting by the table talking to Luda May.

Now what usually happened when people saw him was that they would either just stare in horror, scream or run. You didn't though... you smiled and said 'hi' like he was any other normal person. 

The big bear completely melted at the sight of your smile and he pestered Luda May until she agreed that you wouldn't be dinner. 

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