A Brothers Love

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Hope you like the first story! I would love any story suggestions as well as criticism!

Follow me on Instagram at BrightestWitch896

(Draco and Hermione)

Scorpio ran towards the wall at full speed. Making his mother laugh. 

"I wish I had some of his spunk when I came to Hogwarts."

"When have you ever had spunk?" teases Draco walking onto the platform of 9 and ¾.

"Be quiet, I'm full of spunk!" scoffs Hermione playfully slapping Draco on the arm. They both followed Scorpio to a vacant spot on the platform where he was smiling ear to ear. 

"I can't wait for the sorting ceremony! Maybe I'll be in Slytherin, like you dad!"

Scorpios' stuff is loaded onto the train as he asks his dad about the food served at the Welcoming Feast. The platform is bustling full of wizard':s and witches excited to start the new term. Hermione looks around the platform to see many familiar faces. A tearful Cho Chang hugs her daughter. While George Weasley's sons crack a joke. A few steps away were Harry and Ginny and their kids Albus, James, and Lily. Next to them stood a tired-looking Ron. He had gone through so much loss in the last few years. First his brother then his wife. He stood beside his daughter Rose talking to her sternly before glancing over at us. Rose and Scorpio would both be starting at Hogwarts this year.

"Scorpio," Hermione beckoned for her son's attention. "See that girl with the red hair? She pointed to Rose Weasley.

"Yeah, what about her? "

"She's in your year.  Her name is Rose Weasley. Be nice to her she just lost her mother to cancer,"

"Oh that's not good," said Scorpius a frown forming on his face as he stared at the pale-faced girl.

"Now Scorpius, you make sure you beat her in every exam. I've heard she is as sharp as your mother."

The horn of the train screams out, muffling Hermione's disapproving comment. Hermione envelopes Scorpius in a hug as Darco pats his back.

"You be good. No shenanigans you here me?" Says Hermione giving Scorpius a stern expression. "I love you and if you need anything you can always send an owl. "Scorpio nuzzles into his mother's warm coat.

"I love you too mum."

"You're going to have a great year Scorp." encourages Draco giving him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much. We just want you to be happy."

Scorpius is about to board the train when he races back to Hermione and Draco.

"Will you tell me when you know if I'm gonna have a sister or brother?" he pleads. "Please?" His pale grey eyes looking up at his mother.

"Why wouldn't I?" she laughs giving him one final hug before Scorpius runs towards the train and hops on moments before it departs.

"I think Scorp is going to be a great big brother." chuckles Draco as he and Hermione watch the Hogwarts Express depart from the station. Hand in hand.

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