Fourth grade memories.

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Goddamn I miss my friends. Me and my two besties legit did everything together. We had so many fun memories and holy crap I get nostalgia. Brandon  still talk to, Madison yes. We are still in contact but omg-

ok so

We had this thing as elementary school where they would bring randon people from different classes. We would do fun group projects and activities. So, it was Friday. Friday  was normally pizza day. We are at lunch, eating delicious pizza. Madison turns to me to say something. We are in a 5 second conversation. We turn to Brandon, pizza shoved in his mouth. Saying something inaudible. Madison and me start laughing and wheezing, I could not  breathe but we tried to stay a little quiet. I inhale huge air and yes. We got in trouble. 

another memory!

We were at a assembly room. Our principle was explaining the new art winners for this years art program. Me, being the freaking moron with my homies were trying not to laugh at literally everything. Okay, but this one time Madison and Brandon were giggling. I turned my head and said ¨What?¨ They just said ¨Iĺl tell you at recess.¨ I just shook it off. 

Not even 5 minutes later during the really boring assembly, Brandon releases the most scrumptious, juicy, ear bleeding fart. The principle stops and says ¨Excuse me, who was that?¨

Meanwhile, me and my homie were denying it while we are trying our est not to laugh and it was painful but the best moment of my life. The younger kids who were about in 1st to 2nd graders were plugging their nose and tucking their heads under their shirt like ¨Who was that?¨

We had the older kids turn their heads to us giving us weird looks while we are wheezing and shrugging.

Brandon doesn't  even regret it lol. We ended up having to go back to the classroom after that. 

Okay, My friend made up this thing were I was addicted to ¨Naked grapes.¨ I used to peel the skin off grapes and eat them. So we were at indoor recess. Madison went to play dodge ball and Me and Brandon stayed with each other.  We were invited to play the ¨Driving to school¨ Game. 

Brandon rolled his eyes and went along with it. So uhm, time skip, they pulled out chairs from the table and set them down. One of the kid says ¨Ayo Mak! Get in the van, I got candy!¨  I said ¨Yeah, sure, mommy said not to trust strangers.¨ (Joke.) And he says ¨I got naked grapes.¨

I rush out of my seat and pretended to drive with my feet in the air and Brandon is dying of laughter. 

Speaking of Brandon, go friend him on roblox lol. 

His user is Brandonboy1012.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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