"I am not what you thought"

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Word traveled extremely fast that the legendary Harry Potter had made the quidditch team, as a first year.

"Why should Harry be aloud when no one else is-"

"Gryffindor just wants the cup-"

"I heard he confunded people so he would make it-"

There were thousands of rumors going around.

"Do you think if I asked McGonagall if I could try out, she would let me?" Phoebe asked Terry.

"Many students have already asked, Mcgonagall said that Harry making the team was a "special case" whatever that means."

"But it isnt fair," Phoebe whispered under her breath."

Commotion rose at the Gryffindor table. All the other houses crowded around it too.

"HARRYS GOTTEN A BROOM!" someone yelled, making everyone burst into chatter.

Terry saw the look of longing on Phoebes face. She wanted so badly to be on the quidditch team. Maybe Harry deserved it more...

"Hey, dont worry! You'll make the team next year..."

As Phoebe headed to potions class she ran into Harry.

"Hi Harry," she said.


"So I was just wondering, what exactly did you do to get a spot on the quidditch team? That's quite hard for a first year to do.."

"I honestly dont know, I didn't even know quidditch existed until a week ago! Proffessor McGonagall said I needed to be seeker on her team."

"Oh..well congrats!" She said. She meant it, but at the same time she wished that she could have the same opportunity.

Maybe I just need to wow someone, just the same as Harry, she thought.

As night came around she sat in bed thinking for hours, trying to hatch a plan. Nothing came to her. She grabbed a book and headed out of the dorm.

As she approached the common room, someone was sitting in the nearest armchair.

"You scared the living daylights out of me!" She yelled.

"Am I really that ugly?" Michael Corner said, laughing. "And what in merlins beard are you doing?"

"I was heading to the library, it helps me think."

"I bet I could guess who you are thinking about-"

"Michael cut it out, I'm not in the mood." She said harshly. She sat down on the sofa nearest to the fire and avoided his eye.

"Well then whats the actual problem?" He said.

"Making the quidditch team. Everyone keeps telling me I can't do it...but...but I just have a feeling. I have a feeling I will be on the team this year."

"Well then why dont you just grab Roger Davies and make him watch you? If you're good enough maybe he will let you on the team-" He said. She got the impression he really was trying to help, but he wasn't really getting anywhere.

"Michael, first years arent allowed brooms. I'll be expelled if I am seen with one, Ecspecially during daytime."

"Then go at night?"

Phoebe laughed.

"What is with you? I am telling you, I can't fly or I'll be expelled. Do you want me thrown out?"

THE RavenclawTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang