Ch 1.

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The gentle buzzing of the machine put a smile on Chris face as he finished what he'd started. Chris loved what he did. The customer jumped up, and looked in the mirror and the finished tattoo.
"I love it!"
Chris wiped off the extra ink, and gave her a hand down from the steps of his chair. He admired his work, and was actually really proud of it.
"You can pay at the front desk, Seb should be able to help you out." His face flushed as he said that. He turned away to avoid the regular customers glance.
"You know Chris, Sebastian is a pretty great guy..." She walked around him so she was looking at his face again. He blushed.
"I'm in here enough, theres chemistry there."
Chris blinked rapidly.
"I don't know what it is you're speaking of. You want a new tat date?"
The customer shook her head. "Yeah, around valentines day. I'll talk to Seb."
He blushed again, her having used his nickname for Sebastian.
Sebastian Stan was the cash register at his tattoo shop. The best part of his day was when he was able to talk to Seb. But Seb had two jobs, and Chris hardly ever got to see him.

Sebastian/Seb/Tian (POV)
"You know, Chris is pretty good at what he does."
Sebastian smirked, and pushed back the loose hair from his eyes. "Yeah, I know. Your tat today is on 'sale'. 45 today." The woman pushed across a 100 dollar bill.
"65 dollar change. Valentines Day is my new appointment, Next week. Keep the change and buy him something."
Sebastian blushed. "Ma'am."
"I'm not arguing with you Sebastian."
Seb smiled and turned around. "We'll see you in a week." She waved, and the bell rang as the door swung open and closed. Sebastian looked up at the clock. 12:37. He had to go within 15 minutes. He looked down at the scheduling book.
"Chris!" He yelled back through the curtain to the tattoo shop.
"Yeah?" Seb smiled at the muffled sound of Chris's voice. "I gotta go!"
Chris pushed through the curtain, shirtless. He had taken a shower in the back room.
"Alright, That was my last customer until 3:00, I can do it from here. Thanks Seb."
He blushed. "Thanks Boss."
Chris turned around. "Boss? Since when. Chris." Chris's white smile shined in Sebastian's eyes. Everything about him was flawless. He shook his head. "Yes sir! I'll see you tomorrow!"
Sebastian grabbed his black leather jacket, and pushed back his hair. He opened the door, and walked out into the pouring rain.

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