Ch. 3

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He pushed past Louis's protests, and ran towards the flames. Chris looked every way for a space in the fire that he could get through. Nothing. Chris's mind rattled. A cough came from inside, and Chris lost his control. He ran straight through a flame, lighting his jacket on fire. He threw it to the ground, and ran towards the sound. "Sebastian!" He yelled out.
No vocal response, but he got some coughs. He finally spotted Seb in the smoke. He grabbed his arm and lifted him to his feet. The faint voice he already had was mucky and softer now. "Chris.. What are you doing? You could die!" He coughed, clearly inhaling smoke.
Chris shook his head. "Doesn't matter. Come on, we're getting out of here."

Sebastian could feel the fire in his lungs. His whole body was hot. He tried to open his eyes but he couldn't. There was smoke everywhere. He could hardly speak, but there was someone with him. "Sebastian, we're gonna get you out of here. Is there anyone else in here?" Seb wracked his lost mind. "My boss maybe."
"He got out. Anyone else?"
Chris pushed Seb up higher on his shoulder, supporting his stance more. "No, It was slow today."
Sebastian watched Chris basically pull him out. His vision was getting less and less. Sebastian's eyes shut, and the last thing he remembered was Chris's voice. "Sebastian, no, helll no. We need an ambulance. Now."

His mind was racing. He can't leave me, not now. "Did anyone hear me? This man is not conscious. We. Need. An. Ambulance." Finally, Chris heard the noises of the sirens. He sighed. The car showed up, and looked around for authority. No one stepped forward, so Chris took to the paramedic. "This man was in this fire. He's unconscious. He needs to be okay." Paramedics were on top of him in seconds, and Chris was nervous. "We'll do everything we can Sir. We need someone to come to the hospital with us. Are you associated with him?"
"His names Sebastian, and yes."
"He's my.." Chris hesitated. He saw across the street where Louis had come out of his shop, just long enough to hear the last conversation. He nodded, with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. "My Boyfriend."
The old mans smile grew. Suddenly, another crack of lightning. "Okay Sir, we need to get out of here and off the streets." The siren for the truck started up again, the few people still standing in the rain ran back to their shops or houses, and Chris got in the truck and held Sebastian's hand. "You'll be okay, You'll be okay."

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