Ch. 6

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((this chapter makes me fucking cry! ok i'd like some feedback, tell me what you think!!! ))

He couldn't stand it anymore. Chris loved this man, and he couldn't stay away from him anymore. Seb was teasing him, maybe not on purpose, but he was and it was making Chris really frustrated. He was so in love with this man. Chris swallowed hard, and shook his head. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. Tian looked confused. It was now or never Chris. "Okay Seb, We all know that I called myself your boyfriend and I'm sorry for doing that to you, and I'm sorry, and you can quit now if you want but I will not wait anymore. Sebastian I love you. I have for almost 4 months. I tried to avoid it but I can't. The way you care about everyone before you care about yourself, and the way you push your hair back when it's hanging in your eyes, and the way you make sure everyones ok before you go anywhere or do anything, you're an amazing human being and i'm so lucky to know you, Fuck, Sebastian I love you." Sebastian's eyes were hard, the sparkling blue that they were. Without a warning, Sebastian pushed up against Chris's lips. The tone of voice that was next wasn't soft, it wasn't kind, it wasn't anything that Chris had just mentioned.. The response was lust, and it was the response Chris had been waiting for. "I love you too."

Sebastian couldn't believe what was happening. It was what he'd wanted for months. And against everything he wanted to do, he pulled away. "Chris." He was breathless.
"I love you. I do, I have since I started working here. But don't you have a girlfriend or something." Sebastian knew he didn't, ever inch of this man's life Seb was aware of. He didn't want to push Chris further than he wanted just because today was an emotional day.
"Sebastian, you know I don't. I love you, I have for months. I want you, and I kind of want you now."
Seb tried not to blush at the deep voice Chris used when he was breathless. He decided to tease him.
"Chris.." He smirked at the end and Chris looked down to his feet. "Seb.." He didn't even get out his whole name. "Hey wait a minute. What did you call me?"
Sebastian leaned against the counter, and smiled.
"Seb.." Chris's voice trailed off again.
"The other thing."
"Tian, Stop. I can't do this."
Sebastian smiled, everything in his body was overflowing with happiness. "There ya go."
He finally stopped and let Chris kiss him again.
His lips were soft. They were more than he wished.
He knew, everything that had happened to him in the last few weeks were to lead up to this. It had been less than a week since the lady had given him that money for Chris, and he knew what he was getting him now. They heard the bell over the door tink, and Chris sighed.
"Back to work." He winked, and started towards the curtain that hid the back from the front.
Sebastian grabbed his shoulder. "Tell me, Sir, who's the cashier here?" He smirked, kissed Chris once more, and pushed through the curtain. "Hello!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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