17 | resolution

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my new year's resolution is that i hope to be happier. i hope to not think of everyday as my last. i hope to not cry myself to sleep at night asking myself why im not enough. i hope my parents realize how much im trying. i hope my mother knows how much i hate her. i hope to be airier.

i know im asking for too much but my new years resolution is to be happier. even if the world disapproves could you at least make me numb. i hope to appreciate my body(youve done so much for me im sorry ive been so bad to you) i hope to love my skin. i hope to actually put my thoughts to actions (i say i don't care but i know i do). i hope to realize that it's ok to not be okay. i hope to know that maybe somehow someday, i am loved.

my new year's resolution is that i hope to be happy. please, i need it.

diary entry!;<3

would you guys like some
really personal poetry or I
should stick to my semi
personal ones lol.

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