3. Home is where the Heart is

Começar do início

Lal, "What else Iemitsu? Talk to us."

Iemitsu, "Lately my intuition has gone haywire. Like it's trying to warn me someone is trying to kill me or something. I have not seen anyone suspicious but then again I might be missing the most obvious clue."

Lal nodded, "The Vongola's infamous intuition. I have seen how it works for your son. I would advise you to listen to it. Hell, Verde had a ball with it and took a lot pleasure figuring out how it worked."

Iemitsu's left eyebrow had twitched up at that Arcobaleno's name in annoyance. He would be lying if he said he was not jealous of another adult getting close to his children. It was not like he could blame his kids for it, Verde was a genius, his potions helped save many of his men out there in the field. Hell those horrible tasting potions helped him get back to work and heal his legs faster than any other treatment. But dammit he was allowed to be jealous, they were his children, he, Iemitsu should have been the one spending time with them, not Verde or Reborn for that matter. Lal's lips twitched in amusement seeing the flash of envy cross his eyes when she mentioned her Arcobaleno partner's name.

Lal, "You should seriously listen to your intuition Iemitsu. It is highly possible someone might try getting rid of you because Tsuna happens to be your son. He may be annoyed by the fact you are barely home but anyone with eyes could tell he really cares about you."

Iemitsu gave a goofy smile, "My Tuna is just too shy to show his feelings, isn't he cute?"

Basil sweat dropped, "Of course he is, Godfather."

Iemitsu's became serious, "But what you said is a good point. Tsuna is not a cold hearted person and seeing a family member die could affect him very badly. I will be careful, don't worry."

Lal, "Now Iemitsu, on to the real reason of this meeting. I'm taking you to Namimori."

Iemitsu brightened before his face fell, "I don't know if that is a good idea Lal. Especially with how things are right now."

Lal, "Basil is coming with so don't worry about it."

Basil, "Is there a reason why we are going to Japan, teacher Lal?"

Lal, "Three reasons, first, this baka needs a break, second, you need to meet your Godbrothers, third, there are a few things I need getting done there."

Iemitsu, "What are those things?"

Lal, "Arcobaleno things."

Turmeric, "You should go boss, we can handle it here."

Oregano, "Yeah, who knows maybe your intuition will calm down and let you sleep. Don't think we did not notice your lack of sleep!"

Iemitsu, "Eh he he he he he? I'm fine you all, I promise."

Lal humped before finally ending the meeting and they left to their own stations at the headquarters. She had some planning to do and had to talk to Viper first, she wondered how they were handling everything in the Varia, she had not seen them since the vacation at the beach. She sighed going to their meeting place where no one else went and waited for her fellow Arcobaleno to come.

Viper, "Lal."

Lal, "Viper, you are here."

Viper sat across her, "You look exhausted, my friend."

Lal, "I feel exhausted as well, the last few days has been very exhausting."

Viper nodded, "Join the club."

Lal looked at them, "You told the Varia about it then? The curse?"

Viper nodded, "It went as well as it could with those lunatics."

Magic Of Flames √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora