2. Contracts

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(Hello everyone!
Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Harry Potter are not mine and neither is the artwork above. The artist gave their names on the lower corner of the art.

It was Saturday, a week after Harry started to teach Tsuna a higher form of Divination. It had taken a while but Tsuna soon learned to focus and see what his intuition was trying to tell him, which was not much but it was better than nothing. Harry put all the items and objects away from the their lesson of divination, with Tsuna helping him. Harry was thinking about trying to teach them levitation, he had managed to collect some items that could work as focus for the kids. Harry was still very wary of the inheritance rings that Tsuna and his Guardians would end up having to wear. Lal promised to get the rings to them as soon as possible however even with her position it would be difficult. The curse in the rings had seeped into the Vongola blood a little too much if the contract Reborn received from them concerning Tsuna was anything to go by.

Vongola Contract

This contract officially allows Reborn to train Tsunayoshi Sawada in any way possible, which includes mental or physical torture, blackmail, seduction, emotional manipulation and even murder.

Tsuna under this contact is Reborn's responsibility and no one has the right to fight that without facing legal trouble.

As the student, Tsunayoshi Sawada would be at Reborn's disposal to do with as he wished, while Reborn has the right over Tsuna mentally, physically and emotionally till Tsunayoshi becomes Decimo.

Vongola Nonno

Harry's blood still boiled and his magic went feral just thinking about it even now. Tsuna gasped as his Harry's magic covered the young Sky in a protective barrier getting a confused look from him. Tsuna wanted to talk to Harry but kept his questions to himself as his intuition whispered at him to calm his big brother down or he probably won't see his sperm donor again. Tsuna walked up to Harry and hugged him from behind making Harry calm down and hug him back.

Tsuna, "Nii - san? Are you okay?"

Harry hugged Tsuna tight before letting go and looking at him, "I'm fine, just angry at how people can be so stupid and selfish."

Tsuna, "Is this about the thing Reborn showed you earlier?"

Harry, "Mnn! Yes, I'll be honest with you, Vongola is corrupted in more ways than one. They were.... Actually, I will be blunt. They just sold you as a slave to Reborn in the contract. And no one and by that I mean no one can go against it, not even your parents."

Tsuna tensed, "What? I'm not an object. Why would? What about my father? Did he agree to this?"

Harry hugged him, "Your father was against it from the start. It was the reason why he pretended he was unmarried when he returned to Italy. He tried to hide you and your mother from Vongola but was unable to. He was able to hide the twins thank sanity or I fear, they would have been targeted."

Tsuna buried his face in Harry's chest, "That's not fair, we do not even want anything to them. Can't they just leave us alone? We just want to be happy with our friends and family."

Harry soothed him, "Shhhhhh, it's okay. It'll be okay. I will not give you up without a fight, baby brother. That's nii - san's promise to you. You just need to say it and I will destroy Vongola. Merlin it's not just me, your Papa Reborn, Uncle Skull, Aunt Lal, Uncle Nello, Uncle Verde, Uncle Fon and even Viper will also destroy Vongola. You are our baby Sky, little Sky we will not give you up without fighting them."

Tsuna sniffled, "Promise nii-san?"

Harry kissed Tsuna's head, "Promise baby brother."

Reborn climbed Tsuna's shoulder, "Do not fret Tsuna, you trust me, yes Bambino Cielo."

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