Sora guides you over to a small table that was filled save for one seat. Seated there were Kairi, Naminé, and Riku.

"Hey, [Name]!" Kairi greeted with a smile.

You waved at her enthusiastically and greeted the others at the table before catching the eye of a blonde in the table behind Riku. Sora looked over and smiled.

"That's my brother, Roxas. He's a senior too. Do you want me to introduce you to him?" he asked.

You looked at the attractive boy and smiled. "Nah, it's okay. I'm sure we'll have another class together."

Sora nodded at you, and it took you a second to recover from looking from his beautiful sea blue eyes to your food. From the corner of your eye, you saw Kairi and Naminé exchange sneaky glances


"Hey, [Name]!" You looked down from the large hand extended in the air to the person who it belonged to, being none other than the handsome silver-haired boy you had met earlier.

You grinned at him as you proceeded to carefully make your way over, making sure to watch all the people around you so you didn't drop your lunch. When you reached Riku, he smiled down at you and put his hand on the small of your back, guiding you over to the exit.

"I saved you a spot next to me in a table with my friends," he said, bending over to speak into your ear. You smiled slightly and nodded.

"Thanks, Riku." The boy gave a small, curt nod before opening the door and holding it for you, revealing the outside tables.

They were smaller than the ones inside, and they had less people. When you reached the table where you would be sitting, you saw some familiar faces: Sora, Kairi, and Naminé were all sitting around the table.

"Hey, [Name]! Long time no see, huh?" Sora joked with a light laugh.

You smiled at him before sitting down in the empty seat next to Riku, who was sitting down next to Sora. You looked over at your two other friends and smiled at them, earning a wave from Kairi and a smile from Naminé. From behind the two of them, you linked eyes with a blonde boy sitting at an adjacent table.

"That's Sora's brother, Roxas," Riku intervened. You jumped slightly at the sound of his voice before nodding.

"Thanks for saving me a seat, guys," you said to all your friends.

"Don't thank us, thank Riku! It was his idea," Kairi replied.

You looked over at the boy sitting next to you who had a slight dust of pink on his cheeks before smiling. "Thanks, Riku."

He looked at you and returned your smile, leaving you to get lost in his sea foam colored eyes.


You looked to see who the small, slender hand belonged to, and noticed that it was Xion. She was on her tiptoes with her hand stretched as far out as possible, and even still you could barely see her. You laughed lightly and waved back, starting to weave your wave through the crowd of people to get to her while being careful to not spill your food. Once she noticed you, her face brightened and she limply dropped her hand from the air.

"Hey, [Name]. I wanted to know if you wanted to come sit with my friends?" she asked meekly, a shy smile on her face. You returned her shy smile and nodded at her.

"Sure thing. Lead the way," you instructed, and she nodded and began to move. You both exited the building together, revealing the outside of the cafeteria.

It was much less crowded, but most of the small tables were already filled with people. Xion lead you over to a table, and you recognized most of the people seated: Olette, Hayner, and Pence.

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