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"Shit. Did I need to buy a parking space?" Your fingers mindlessly tapped on the steering wheel of your van as your eyes gazed upon the filled parking lot. Every single student space was occupied.

You decided to drive around and see if anything else was available, because you sure as hell weren't parking on the roof of the massive private school. You made a u-turn and headed for the guest parking area, not believing your luck when you found a visitor spot open and instantly taking it.

Stepping out of the vehicle and locking it with your keys, you slung your bag onto your shoulder and tossed the keys inside. You headed towards the Destiny Islands Academy for the Gifted with an open mind and heart while getting closer and closer to the main entrance, only to be interrupted.

"Hey now, you don't look much like a visitor to me," a smooth voice cooed.

You sharply turned around to see a smirking redhead with hair pointing out in all sorts of directions and beautiful emerald green eyes with tattoo-like marks underneath them.

Um okay. Hair dude, I don't know who you are or why you're talking to me but...

"Uh, I'm not?" The best thing to say, you figured, was the truth.

His smile only grew as he neared you. "Couldn't find a space, then? You gotta buy one, sweetie. The name's Axel, got it memorized?" He tapped on his temple with his index finger during his introduction, his green eyes never leaving yours.

Despite his definite uniqueness, you found yourself giving Axel a small, albeit unsure, smile. "Hey, Axel. I'm [Name]."

"Pleasure to meet you." He nods as he continues to walk, you in his trail, and opens the door for the school while holding it for you. You thank him as you step through and study your surroundings.

The school is modern with its pale walls and marble floors. There are pictures of special alumni adorning the walls, and even a few weapons next to them. Directly ahead is another door that reads "Main Office." There's a line trinkling out that is thankfully dissolving quickly.

"That's where you get your schedule." You heard Axel speak directly behind you, his voice resonating in your ear. You turned your head and gave him a sarcastic look, causing him to raise his hands in defense. "Hey, I haven't seen you here before and I thought you might want the tip. You're new, right?"

"Yeah. I'm from Twilight Town. Actually got expelled," you sheepishly answer.

His eyes slightly widen at your new claim. "Expelled? Heh, didn't think you looked the type." His eyes travel down your hair, face, body, and back up again. After taking a step in line, he looks at you again with the same grin he gave you before. "What'd you do that got you kicked out?"

You softly gnaw the inside of your cheek before giving another shy answer. "I set my chemistry lab on fire."

He gives a booming laugh. "Seriously? That's awesome! Cute AND a badass. Well, I'm sure you'll fit in here. There are plenty of people here like you, got it memorized?" Axel gives you a wink.

Your face reddens some at the sudden flurry of flirts, and you know Axel notices. Thankfully, you're saved by being up to go next in line. A snotty-looking woman with blonde hair and aqua-colored eyes glares up at you as she growls, "Name?"

You look at her with slightly fearful eyes as you reply, "[Name] [Surname]."

She looks through what seemed to be thousands of files before pulling out one with your name on it. Opening it and shuffling through it, she takes out your timetable and shoves it into your hands.

"Here. Next brat up?" She doesn't look back into your eyes.

Yikes. "Bitch," you murmur under your breath as you step aside, waiting for Axel to receive his schedule.

Once he had the paper in his hand, he walked toward you. "Yeah, she's tough sometimes. Don't worry about it. Now let's com-" Axel's interrupted by a tackle as he's suddenly on the floor with a tall, muscular boy with black hair on top of him.

You're instantly taken aback by the sudden action and forget about your surroundings as you search for your new friend underneath another boy.

"Axel? Are you alright?" Your voice shows the shock in it.

The boy on top flips over and stands up quickly, studying you with gorgeous baby blue eyes and a curious smile. Axel stands up next, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thanks for the concern, beautiful. This is Za-" Axel begins.

"Zack Fair. Nice to meet you." Zack finishes.

Your eyes are wide and your eyebrows high as you watch the two boys. You look back towards Zack, finding it hard to maintain eye contact with such an unnaturally gorgeous eye color.

"[Name] [Surname]. It's nice to meet you too," you reply.

He smirks slightly before bowing and saying, "The pleasure's all mine." Axel nudges him and points to the distance a few feet away, causing you both to turn around and see a blonde with ridiculously spiky hair walking towards you.

Once he gets to you three, Zack affectionally grabs him around his shoulders and ruffles his fist into the yellow locks in a noogie. The blonde under his grasp looks vaguelly uncomfortable but mostly used to the treatment.

"Cloud! Man I'm happy to see you! Did you get your schedule?" Zack bursts.

What the hell did Axel mean when he said there were people like me? Your eyes shift between all three boys.

"Yeah," the blonde murmurs in response, sneaking a quick glance at you. Zack and Axel catch on, and before Zack can interrupt, Axel introduces you.

"This is [Name] [Surname]. She's a newbie." Both boys grin as the other boy nods.

"I'm Cloud. Cloud Strife," he replies. You smile at him gently, appreciating someone who's finally quiet.

"Nice to meet you," you say. He returns the gentle smile and hands Zack his timetable, causing the blackhead to smile.

"Alright! We've got four out of the eight together!" Zack cheers, clamping his hand behind Cloud's back. Cloud falls forward a bit and laughs lightly, sending a grin to his friend. You take the time to look down at your schedule.

Written along the top row of the chart is the word LITERATURE. Alongside it is a name.

You speak up to the three boys. "Hey, I have literature first. Where is that?"

All three of them turn heads at the same time, causing you to smile slightly. "Oh, you've got to go down the hall until you reach the end wall, and then go left," Cloud instructs.

You start to head on over to the classroom but are stopped by a hand on your forearm. "Hey, class doesn't start for another ten minutes," Zack tells you with a goofy smile.

You smile back. "It's okay. I want to go early."

As they said, you go down the hall, make the sharp turn, and start to look at all the classrooms. Finally, you see the one that says "Literature- Mr. Rhapsodos." You open the door and enter.

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