Chapter 1 - Confusion Ensues

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   Today was the best day to relax.  It was the summer of 1997, and Harry Potter was staying at the burrow come September 1st.  With him was the whole Weasley family and Hermione Granger.  Harry didn't really notice anyone around the house much except for Ginny, who for some reason Harry had started taking a liking to.  On the bright side, Ginny had also taken a liking to Harry. 

  It was one in the afternoon by the time everyone in the burrow had gotten up.  I'm not going to sugarcoat it - right now, they're lives sort of sucked.  Harry was still not over the loss of Sirius, Mr. Weasley was still recovering from his "meeting" with the boa Nagini, and overall Mrs. Weasley was forced to deal with all the stupid stuff that was thrown at her.  Lovely family, though.  I guess it just proves my point in saying that the best family gets the rottenest of luck.

  The family and friends scuttled around lethargicaly, even though they had lots of chores to get done.  By the time night had fallen, only the kitchen had been cleaned. 

  Beaten by depression, everyone flopped down on the furniture in the sitting room.  In the middle of conversation, a large crash came from the hallway.  Next, a girl's voice. 

"James, you arse! That was a time turner you bloody dimbo!" 

"Hey, I didn't know!" Yelled the boy named  James.

The family crept slowly into the hallway while Mr. Weasley contacted the order just in case.  "Who are you?"  Asked a very curious Mrs. Weasley.  A boy around the age of 10 looked at the Weasleys with a face of horror.  "Oh no, James you're in so much trouble.

(A/N: I hope the story is good so far!  See you mates later!)

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