II: "Rough Day, Kid?"

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"Alright, the sword is down.  Just let me go I only came here to sit in the tree.  I mean no harm," I negotiated.

"Mean no harm?  You almost stabbed him.  How is that 'no harm'?" the masked man said.

"He's against L'manberg.  That's all I know."

"Who are you?  Are you a new member of L'manberg?"

"No, I've been there ever since I was thirteen.  You have no business to know anything else."

"Actually I do.  You're in my land. My rules." He firmly stated.

"Will! Over here!" I yelled basically to a tree.  They both snapped their heads that way and I immediately took my chance.  I punched him in the side of his head and bolted, running towards the walls.  I could hear him behind me, praying that he didn't know these woods as well as I do.  Once I was out of the clearing, I slid into the wall's safety hearing him curse on the other side.

"Where have you been?!  Why were you outside the walls?!" Will shouted, clearly shaken up.

"None of your business, asshole," I said walking by him.

"Y/N you know you aren't allowed out there ever since the first war," he scolded as he followed me.

"Well, I am now.  I only ran into Dream is all.  He's not that bad how the hell-"

"You.  Ran.  Into. Dream?!"

"Yes, get some hearing aids old man."

"Go get Tommy.  Tell him and Tubbo to get as many people as they can and to meet up at the front gates.  Now.  We'll talk about your little nature walk later."

I stuck out my tongue and looked at the landscape to see any sign of Tommy and Tubbo.  They were by Niki's home by her fox, Fungi.  I could see Fundy and Niki clearly standing next to the boys.  I jogged over to them.

"Hey Y/N, you okay-" Tubbo started but I cut him off.

"Will needs you all.  Tubbo go gather some more people because it seems urgent.  Gear up too."

I walked away from them just to report back to Will standing with Dream, Sapnap, and another guy.  They were all in netherite and Will was stupidly in no armor.

"So you're back for round two aren't you?" Dream sneered as he held his hand to where I hit him.  I could see purple, smiling to myself that I left a bruise.

"Y/N, go back inside.  That's an order."

"No, Will!  You see that bruise on the side of his face?  That was me. Let me stay."

"Y/N..." he warned and he walked towards me.  His eyes looked towards the tower and I knew exactly what he meant.

"Fine."  I passed Tommy and the others as I went back inside the walls.  I climbed the long ladder and rung by rung I cursed under my breath.  

Am I gonna have to climb this damn ladder every time.

If so, this is a whole workout in itself.

Once I reached the top, I grabbed a bow from the rack and a quiver.  I put the quiver on and loaded it with twenty arrows.  I had a bird's eye view of the whole situation below but could barely hear them.  I then saw Tommy being held back by Will.  Tommy's really just a powder keg ready to explode.  Dream stood there stone-faced and didn't even flinch.  Not once.  His head then turned and looked up to me.  Chills ran throughout my body. 

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