"I don't want to hurt you," Nightwing warned. But Deakins paid no attention as his focus was on subduing the enemy. Having no choice, Nightwing used her legs to launch Deakins off her. Deakins crashed into the wall and became disoriented.

"Wh-what's going on?" Deakins asked, distraught. The duo eyed the man suspiciously. "You tell us. Who's your partner in the spooky get up," Batman interrogated. The man shook his head in confusion, "I-I have no idea." And they could tell it was the absolute truth.


"With this second report of this Spellbinder hypnotizing citizens, the police have reopened the case involving Chelsea Cunningham," the TV reporter broadcasted. Bruce turned off the tv, and Terry sent him a triumphant smile. "Told ya so," Terry gloated.

It wasn't every day Batman was proven wrong.

Bruce hummed sarcastically, "Now suit up and get out there. Find out who this Spellbinder is," he instructed. "Can't now, we have a formal event to attend," Terry informed. Jared, a friend of Terry's, had invited Terry to come to his mom's wedding. Terry had offered Eliana to come as his plus one, which she happily agreed.

Terry pulled out a black dress suit jacket, "I hope you don't mind. I found this in the closet upstairs. Way retro." Terry looked at the initials in the jacket. "Who's D.G?" he asked. Bruce gave him a look and walked away.

"It belonged to my father, Dick Grayson." a voice answered softly. Terry turned his head, and his breath was taken away. Standing there in a long navy blue dress with hair down and curled was Eliana. It took him a moment to register what she'd just told him.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Eliana." Terry stumbled as he started to take off the jacket. Eliana waved her hand, "No, no, wear it please, I insist." He shook his head, "No it's your fathers, I'll just grab something else." Eliana sighed and walked closer to him. She pulled his hands away from the jacket and held them.

"Terry, that thing has been sitting in a closet for decades. It's about time it sees the light of day. It deserves to be worn, and besides, you do it justice," she teased. Terry blushed at the compliment but was still unsure. "Please, Terry, it would mean a lot if you wore it," she silently pleaded. With some more debate, Terry nodded in agreement.

"Now, we have a wedding to get to," Eliana announced, linking her arms with Terry. "You look beautiful by the way, I've never seen your hair down before.....you should wear it like that more often," Terry said. Eliana looked down shyly at the flattery. "Thank you," she said humbly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please raise your glasses as it is my pleasure to introduce your hosts, Mr.and Mrs. Jim Tate," the announcer toasted. Everyone raised their glasses, and the couple walked down the grand staircase, cameras, and spotlights on them. Everyone cheered in joy, Jared's being the most enthusiastic.

"Here here!" Jared toasted. "I thought you were against this wedding," Terry stated. "I was, until my new step-dad bought me a new car," Jared grinned. They all chuckled. "Those rocks from the grom too? Guy must be loaded!" Terry asked. Mrs. Tate was wearing a very heavy and expensive diamond necklace. It definitely looked like it cost a fortune. "Way to go, mom!" Jared cheered.

Then, all of a sudden, Mrs. Tate pushed her groom away in fear. She then looked at her flowers and threw them as if they were made of spiders. She looked at her surroundings paranoid before screaming and running away. Terry and Eliana watched in concern before running to suit up. There was a good chance Spellbinder was behind Mrs. Tate's strange actions.

And they were right, as the duo was running down a flight of stairs, they saw Spellbinder exit through a window.They made it outside to the alley way before retrieving their suits from their motor

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