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"Oh, Ophelia. You've been on my mind girl since the flood."

  There was no way Ophelia was going back to sleep after that nightmare

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  There was no way Ophelia was going back to sleep after that nightmare. She knew it, Wilbur knew it, hell even Tommy and Tubbo knew it. Deciding she needed fresh air, Ophelia grabbed her bow and quiver and started towards the door. Wilbur, who had gotten back in bed, looked up in her direction rubbing his eyes, "Hey, where are you going?"

  "Just for a walk, I need air." She replied quietly, not wanting to wake Tommy and Tubbo.

  "Let me come with you, you don't know the land very well." The tall brunette offered starting to stand up from his bed.

  "No, no please. I'd like to be alone." Ophelia rushed out. Wilbur looked a little hurt. but he understood. "Thank you for the offer though." She added, feeling bad for declining his offer.

  "No problem, stay safe." Wilbur said with a smile. Taking this as her que to leave, she walked past the wooden table, grabbed her mask and slipped it on, then exited the van.

  It was still dark outside, the stars shining bright. She had no idea what time it was, but she didn't really care. There was too much running through Ophelia's mind for her to be worrying about what time it was. She walked out towards the opening of the large, black wall that enclosed L'manburg. Her bow was loosely hanging from her hand, only having it on her in case she encountered danger. Emerging from the walls, she didn't know where to go. So far she had only been in the woods and L'manburg. It probably wasn't wise to go in the direction the three other boys went in, in case they caught her. With no idea of where else to go Ophelia wandered to the woods. At least she would be somewhat familiar with it and less likely to be attacked.

  After walking pointlessly for ten minutes, she heard a twig snap behind her. Immediately whipping her head in the direction of the snap, she loaded her bow and pointed it in the direction of where the sound came from. Ophelia thought she would've been safe in the woods, no one was going to come for her. "Maybe it was an animal." she thought, trying to calm herself. If there was someone out there she couldn't afford to panic.

  Still pointing her arrow in the direction of the snap, she quietly called out, "Wilbur? Is that you?" Receiving no response she cautiously walked forward. Snap. Another twig snapped, but this time behind her. She whipped her head around, again not seeing anything. She turned back around to face the direction of the original snap. Meeting her gaze was a smiling mask. It was eerie, just a blank smiling face. The masked person startled her, throwing her off for a moment. She quickly aimed her bow at the mask, "Who are you?" she got out as bravely as she could.

  "Ah, so you're the one who shot George." the masked man spoke, completely ignoring what she had just asked. His voice was low, not like Wilbur's comforting voice, the masked man's was menacing. Ophelia just stood in silence, panic setting in but she couldn't show it. Her arrow still aimed at the man, but this didn't seem to faze him. "George, Sapnap come out." 

  Behind her she heard rustling and the boy with the glasses and the boy with the bandana appeared. They walked over and stood next to the masked man, who she now assumed was Dream based on what Tommy and Tubbo told her. Ophelia looked down and noticed bandage wrapped around George's leg and couldn't help but smirk under her mask knowing she was responsible for that. The three boys stared down at her, obviously a lot more intimidating than she could ever be. She was outnumbered but she still tried her hardest to not show her fear, keep a steady arm and make what she believed to be eye contact with Dream, the mask made it difficult to tell.

  "What do you want from me?" She asked keeping eye contact with the mask.

  Dream let out a laugh, not even a laugh it was more like a cackle that came from deep within him. "What could you possibly have that I want? I don't even know who you are." Dream started, he was pacing in circles around her, so she had to lower the bow still keeping it loaded. "However, you are in contact with someone who I just so happened to be at war with."

  "Oh god." Ophelia thought to herself. He wanted to use her to get at the L'manburg boys. It wouldn't work right? The boys don't care enough about her to give him anything, I mean they met only a couple hours ago. She tensed a bit, thinking of how they were going to use her. Dream had stopped circling her, stopping behind her out of her eyesight. Next thing she knew she was falling towards the ground, everything going black.


sorry for the short chapter! i just wanted to add suspense for the next chapter yk? i'm quite literally ignoring all my actual responsibilities and writing this so hope you enjoy it el oh el. next chapter is gonna feature a lot of the green man :)))) hope you enjoyed, tysm to those who read this!

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