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"When I was younger, I should've known better."


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Lost. "Where the hell am I?" Ophelia thought. She observed her surroundings, she found herself in a thick forest of trees and could not see anything beyond the never ending amount of greenery. Ophelia rubbed the back of her head, feeling a lump. She decided she must have bumped her head and that's why she could not remember where she was nor why she was there.

Ophelia looked down. She was sitting on the ground surrounded by plants and dirt. She was wearing what looked to be a skin tight black cat suit, with holders on her legs that were containing knives. On her back she felt a quiver filled with arrows. Next to her, laid a bow, sleek and black. She suddenly became aware of a mask on her face, it covered half of her face. The mask was black and hid the appearance of her nose down to her chin. Ophelia's hair was cut to her shoulders and dark as night.

Ophelia stood up, suddenly starving and feeling dehydrated. She needed water and food. Picking up her bow, she started to navigate her way through the forest. Still wondering how she got to this forest, Ophelia took in her surroundings noticing an opening in the trees ahead of her. Her pace quickened as she walked towards the opening hoping that she would be able to find food and water. As she approached the opening, she could faintly hear what sounded like two people yelling at each other. Without even thinking, Ophelia carefully pulled an arrow from her quiver and loaded her bow slowly sneaking towards the yelling.

"Tubbo, you idiot!" she heard a loud voice yell.

"I didn't think he would see us!" a slightly higher voice yelled back, she assumed this was Tubbo. Ophelia made her way out of the forest and closer to the yelling seeing two younger boys running from something. Bow still loaded, she snuck around and hid behind a building watching as the boys ran towards a towering, black wall that seemed to enclose something. As the boys neared the wall, she saw three other boys chasing after the younger ones. She was too far to get a good look at any of the boys so she stealthily crept over towards a tree that would shield any of the boys from seeing her.

"Come here Tommy!" she heard one of the older boys yell. After the yelling she heard maniacal laughter coming from the direction of the older boys. "Was this a game or were those boys in danger?" Ophelia thought to herself. Without taking another second to think, Ophelia peeked out from behind the tree and aimed her arrow at the boy wearing glasses. She took in a breath and then let the arrow fly, quickly ducking back behind the tree.

"Ow! Dream, Sapnap help!" a voice cried out. Ophelia took a glance at the boys and saw one of the boys with a green hoodie on crouched over the one with the glasses, who she assumed from the "Ow" she hit with her arrow. The other boy was wearing a white bandana tied around his head and he was looking in her direction trying to find the source of the arrow. Hiding back behind the tree, Ophelia waited until the boy with the bandana was looking the other way to bolt towards the big, black wall.

Out of breath, Ophelia leaned up against the wall out of sight from the older boys. She hoped that the arrow she shot was a good enough distraction and the younger boys could get away. Taking a look past the wall, she saw the boy in the green hoodie and the boy in the white bandana helping the boy with the glasses stand up. She noticed the arrow sticking out of his leg and felt a pang of remorse. "What if they weren't bad? What if they were just messing around with the younger boys?" these thoughts ran rampant through her head. Ophelia decided that she did the right thing, and she wasn't going to dwell on it. The three older boys made their way in the other direction, heading back wherever they came from. When the boys were out of her sight, she crept around the wall to the big entrance suddenly remembering her hunger and dehydration. She stood in the entrance and saw what looked like a RV, hopefully whoever lived there had food. Cautiously, she made her way into the land enclosed by the large walls, hoping she would find food and water.

Suddenly, Ophelia felt the coolness of a sword being pressed against her neck. "Who the hell are you?"


oh my god i just edited this and why did y'all read this, my writing is atrocious

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