Before The Festival

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Y/n P.O.V

It was about six o'clock when I decided to go meet up with Tommy and Tubbo. Hopefully, this talk goes well. I couldn't bear the thought of my home getting blown. We really had to talk Wilbur down from this idea. It was the only way to save what we had left of our country. 

The walk wasn't long to meet the boys. Along the way, I would stop and look at the trees and how they flowed in the wind. The leaves fell on the grass and danced as they fell. The chilliness kicked in not long after I started my walk. I decided to take a break as I was still tired from a few days before. I closed my eyes just for a second. 

"You know trees aren't very comfortable. I don't know why you keep laying up against them" I heard a voice say. My eyes flew open and I was met with the eyes of Technoblade. 

I chuckled, "I was on my way to meet with Tommy and wanted to take a break," I sighed, "These past few days have been crazy and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep" 

He sat down next to me and smiled. "I'm sorry about that. I've been off doing my own thing. The boys have been fighting a lot and I really don't wanna listen to it." 

"Tommy told me you haven't been around much. He sent me a letter yesterday, that's why I'm here. Do you wanna come with me to meet the boys?" I said standing back up. I offered my hand out to him. 

"Sure, it would be nice to see them again." He took my hand and I pulled him up. I used all my weight to pull him back up. We started the walk to Pogtopia. 

A silence took over us, but not one that was overbearing. It was a walk that was needed for both of us. 

"So where is my cape? I give it to you and you lost it?" he looks at me and raised his eyebrows. 

"No, it's at my house. I put it in a drawer so no one would get suspicious of me wearing it. I'm sorry I didn't bring it" I said chuckling. He waved a hand to forgive me.  I laughed. I started to mimic his long strides as a joke. He curled his eyebrows. 

"What are you doing?" He said. 

I didn't say anything and kept my motion. This time holding back a laugh. He started laughing and exaggerated his strides as well. I started laughing hard. I went to take my next step and a rock ended up under my boot. My ankle rolled and there I was, on the floor again. I couldn't even feel the pain I was laughing so hard. I see Techno's eyes grow wide and he stopped his stride.

"Oh my God Y/n are you okay?" he says, chuckling lightly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just help me up" I say holding my hand out. He grabs it and pulls me up. We stare at each other for a few seconds. He opens his mouth and the words that came out were not ones I had expected. 

"I can't get you out of my head Y/n, he said. He looked down. 

"What?" I said, an immediate rosiness appearing in my cheeks. 

"Ever since we fell asleep together on that tree you're all I can think about, he said, looking back into my eyes. "I don't know what it is about you but I just like you. Maybe it's 'cause you're sweet and kind or maybe 'cause you're cocky and have a great personality. I really don't know but I know I cannot stop thinking about you."

I frowned slightly. "I feel the same Techno. I can't stop thinking about you either. I don't mean to be rude, but I have to worry about trying to stop Wilbur from blowing up the country." I said, sighing. 

"That's alright. I understand." I could see the disappointment in his face. Before I knew it, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. As a sort of way to apologize. He hugged me and rested his cheek on the top of my head. I felt him smile. 

We continued the walk to Pogtopia. It was only a few more minutes, they passed by quickly. We walked a little closer than we had before, feeling a newfound comfort in each other. We found the hole which led down to the ravine which held Pogtopia. 

We walked down the stairs and heard the familiar yelling of Tommy. I started laughing and yelled. 

"Hey Tommy, if I wanted to hear yelling I'd go to Schlatt's house!" I stepped off the last step of the stairs laughing. Both Tommy and Tubbo turned around and I was met with the smiles of them both. From behind them, I watch Wilbur emerge. 

"Hello Y/n," he said, he looked down. 

"Wilbur," I said flatly. I wasn't going to let him know that I missed him. I missed his smile, his laugh. All the happy memories I shared with him, but those meant nothing now that he was being an idiot and going to blow up my game. 

"I'm only here to tell you about my plan. And you are not going to talk me out of it okay?" He said looking back up at me. "I'm going through with it no matter what" 

I scoffed at his words. I just nodded and that was all. 

"I have TNT planted under the stage of L'manburg. I have a button that will detonate the TNT. I've read over Tubbo's speech and when he says 'let the festival begin' I'm going to blow up L'manburg" 

I started to grow irritated. "You're being stupid Wilbur. Why would you want to do this? To blow up everything you care about? Niki, Me, Tubbo? Yes, things are bad now but we have plans in place to overthrow Schlatt and take him out of power. There are other things to do than blowing up the country" I was now in his face yelling. My chest heaved as I breathed.

"I don't even know why I'm talking to you. It's not like I'll get through anyway" I said, backing down. 

I crossed my arms and listened as Tommy started to yell. I zoned him out pretty quickly. I sat down on a stone rock that was sticking out of the wall. I looked up at Technoblade and he gave me a small smile before walking over to me. Tommy was still screaming and Tubbo was trying to calm him down. 

"You doin' okay?" he said as he approached me. 

"Yeah, I don't know why I even tried to reason with him. His head is so THICK!" I screamed that last part in the direction of Wilbur, who rolled his eyes at me. 

"We've never argued like this. We usually agreed on most things. I really don't know why he wants to do this" I said shaking my head.

"I mean I understand where he's coming from Y/n. His home and country have been taken over by a tyrannical government. I'd do the same thing in his shoes" He said. 

"Shut up. I don't care about that. We have a plan to take down Schlatt and he chose to ignore it. I'm just hoping he doesn't go through with his plan" 

"We can only wait to see," Technoblade said. 

He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the rock. We both walked back up the stairs and out the hole, letting the boys argue out their problems. Wilbur was getting on my nerves, but I just decide to walk away and pray he comes to his senses. 


Word Count: 1301 words

Okay I know I said that this chapter was going to be short but I added an extra scene that I felt was good and needed. I felt this chapter was really good and I'm so excited to write the next one. I have some things to run by you guys so you can vote on the plot later on, but that is for later. 
I'm still on the writing grind so keep an eye out for the next chapter in a few days. The next one is going to be longer to write because I have to rewatch the VOD so that'll be fun. We get to see some good stuff next chapter so woohoo. 



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