Just a quick thing

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this is an original idea I had, if someone else has created something like it I haven't seen it so don't say I copied. 

The way I wrote this makes it better for all the chapters to be short, so if you don't like that sorry.

Also when I say short I mean REALLY short. Its really because the way I wrote it and the fact that I only used one page for each chapter. Without using the back. I was using pens, and the pens I used went through the page a bit.

Its also the way I space paragraphs, it causes there to be less space to write. Plus the notebook I was using had less space then the ones I usually use.

this is an edit:

So basically I'm making/made a chapter with all of the chapters in one, that way the people who like longer stories (almost everyone) can read it or will, um might? 

Whatever just so that people will read it without hating how short the chapters are.

K bye-

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