Chapter 32

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A/N: Oh my stars and garters! 1K votes?!!! Are you kidding me guys!! That's so dopeee! Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyouuuu soooo much! 😘😘😘
I can't find words to say to you. Christmas came early for me this year. Thankyou santa, for these wonderful readers. 💚💚💚

Author signing off now, enjoy the chapter. :)

"Where's jiji?" Kairavi walked into Yudhishthir's room where the rest of the pandavs were discussing something among themselves.

"She went to pitamah to talk. Perhaps about the two marriages." Arjun said. "I should've gone with her." "Have faith in Panchali, I'm sure she will be able to convince him." Yudhishthir reassured her. 


"Panchali? How did it go?" He asked the beautiful figure, standing at the doorstep.

"He is not upset with any one of us now. Mission accomplished." Draupadi smiled at the eldest brother. "In that case, the first thing we will do tomorrow is take his blessings. It's been so long since we touched his feet. 

Kairavi, go and inform mata about Panchali's success. She'll be relieved." "Yes, jyeshth bhrata. Jiji, can I talk to you in person?"

"Of course." She joined Kairavi in the hallway. "You were able to coax pitamah today; but what about the rest of the world? It is something that makes me lose sleep at night." Chandraputri aired her fear.

"You cannot force everyone to believe what we think is right, Kairavi. They will make their theories, and be content with it. 

Some things are not in our control; so you just have to wait and let them work themselves out." Arni was satisfied with Draupadi's response. 

Dawn swept away the night quickly and the seven youngsters found themselves standing before the senior kuru. "Tum sabka kalyan ho vatsa." Bhishm put his hand on their heads lovingly. "You don't know, how much these senile eyes have dithered to see my Pandu's valiant sons." He held his head high while beaming at them.

"I can't assure you, that you will get what is rightfully yours today, putra Yudhishthir. Gandhar Raj and Duryodhan will surely rebel against your appointment. Ishwar knows how long I'll have to wait to see dharm ruling over Hastinapur. " exasperation was evident in his tone. "Pitamah," Gangaputra looked up at Arni.

"A river is destined to meet at the sea. Even a hundred mountains can't stop that from happening. Those which do, end up being smashed to pieces." 

"What you're saying is entirely correct, Chandrakumari. But those rivers will have to break a dam named Devavrat Bhishm before touching Hastinapur." He said in an authoritative tone. 

Kairavi wanted to bang her head on the wall beside her. It was only her second day at Hastinapur and she had already managed to infuriate the eldest Kuru. But Devavrat didn't wear thin skin. He saw the turmoil in her mind by the change in her contortions.

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