Chapter 48

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The trip had to be postponed due to some complications in the yagya; which also meant that the invitations had to be halted. Kairavi suspected Gandhar raj to be behind this, but he was not.

Some kings had been instigated against Yudhishthir, and they refused to be a part of his dominion. Arjun had to visit their respective states and persuade them again.

Those who didn't comply, had to face their enormous army.

At last, it was all sorted out. But Subhadra had to inform her family in Dwarka, about her pregnancy. It wouldn't have been appropriate if she hid it for 3 months.

"Kairavi, Subhadra. Since both of you are going to Dwarka tomorrow, I want you to invite anuj Krishna to the yagya. He deserves to receive the first letter of invitation." Yudhishthir instructed them in the rajsabha.

"And Nakul, you will make sure that both rajkumaris reach there safely."

"Jo aagya, jyeshth."

The following morning, Kairavi was fidgeting in her palanquin. The anticipation to get an answer from Kanha hadn't let her sleep the entire night.

She had tossed and turned in bed, thinking about what he had to say.

"Subhadrey!" Krishna had been waiting for his sister at the gate of the city. "Bhratashree!" She was about to run, but Kairavi grabbed her arm just in time to prevent the mishap.

Varchas joined his hands inside her womb, earning Vasudev's blessings.

"Parnaam sakha." Chandreya imitated his accent. He chuckled and replied, "Parnaam Chitrakshi. I see you figured it out." He insinuated while Subhadra and Nakul watched them quizzically.

"I'm a solicitor of guidance, Madhav." She felt the same vulnerability around Krishna as before.
A little voice in her head always told her that he had the answers to all her problems and pains.

"Sakhi, sometimes it is hard to fill the voids of your heart. For, looking inside them feels like peeking into the abyss." Her face fell. "What do you mean?" Insecurity spoke on Kairavi's behalf.

"Maybe the answer you seek is not incorporated in God's plan." "What answer? What are you two talking about?" Subhadra interrupted.

"Nothing, Subhadrey. I've had your favourite sweets made, go hop on!" He chuckled lackadaisically, staring at the appalled Chandraja.

Some handmaidens helped Yadhwi walk inside the rajmahal, leaving Kairavi and Krishna at the entrance.

"Why did Brahma spare only sorrow in my destiny, Madhav? Do I not deserve happiness?" "Happiness has no subsistence without misery, sakhi." He put a hand on her shoulder, earning a helpless look from her.

"Kadachit tapna hi lohe ki niyati hoti hai.
Aur ussi taap se wo dridh banta hai."

'Kahi us taap se mera hriday hi na gal jaye, Govind.'

The voice echoing in Krishna's head turned his solemn smile into a blank expression.

Tears had welled up in Arni's eyes again. Even Madhav had released her hand; which meant that she couldn't be helped. There was no way she was going to experience motherhood now.

Dejected, she shrugged away from his grip and made her way towards the palace.

"Sakhi?" Dwarkadhish called out from outside her chamber, holding a plate. It was covered with velvet, so she couldn't tell what he had brought.

Meanwhile, his concern for Kairavi had dragged him to her room. Ironically, her well-being made him even more anxious; for it, in no shape or form, assured her wellness. She had become numb. Perhaps the poor queen had no more tears left to cry.

"She must be under your protection at all times, grandsire." He recalled Chandra's words to Bhagwan Parshuram moments before her birth.

As the ultimate saviour of the entire Earth, he had to save Chandraja from her own self. Her pain was corroding her from the inside and moreover, he had promised her father to protect her at all costs.

"Mishthaan khaogi, sakhi?" He grinned while pulling down the cloth from the plate. There was definitely something up on his sleeve.

He received an icy cold glare from Kairavi, but maintained his contortion.
"I'm not in the mood to play along, Govind." Her voice had significantly got deeper, and devoid of life. But Kanha insisted.

"You will regret not eating this, sakhi. Think again." He tried to tempt her. Atleast, he was successful in inducing one emotion into Arni.

"What are you up to?" He just shrugged. "Maybe I'm welding the iron to make a sword." His smile returned.

" श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी ,
हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेव। "

He stretched his hand towards Kairavi, offering her the sweet. Her eyes danced between Madhav and the delicacy in his hand; for something about his expression told her that it was the right thing to do.

Kanha took a step forward. Placing his hand on her forearm, he made her sit on the cushion of a couch.

"Uttar abhi bhi spasht hai, sakhi."

'What's there to lose?' She thought while taking it from Govind's hand.
The taste was divine. Crumbles of the small ball of sugar melted in her mouth as she chewed the lumps of flour.

Krishna drew in a long breath of content and stroked her hair.
The morsel made its way down her throat, but she felt it coming right back up.

Kairavi leapt up on her feet and went straight for the door, holding back the bile in her mouth.

"Tumhara kalyan ho, sakhi."

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