involved surviving a hunt in winter with him and his wolves. No one ever came back.


Vladimir watched the pudgy man in distaste. He stood out against the opulent surroundings like

a load of shit on a silver platter. He wasn't a soldier or even a former one. He was an ordinary-

looking fellow with average height and thinning brown hair. He was someone anyone would

think harmless until you saw the depraved light in his watery hazel eyes. Vlad felt insulted

having to deal with him so he listened with half ear as the man made his boss's displeasure


"Your father wasn't the only powerful man involved in this and these men wouldn't like evidence

walking around flaunting itself in public like that. You kept the girl and we allowed that. After all, 

all men have needs. Then you married her, publicly I might add, another slap in our face. Now 

you expose her to the world, are you testing us, Your Highness?" The man asked.

So, this is why he was sent, Vlad mused, he was clearly an expendable idiot. "What I do is none 

of your business..."

"This has everything to do with our business!" He growled then calmed as he threatened. "In 

Russia, you may be untouchable, but Russia has always been an enemy of the world, in our eyes 

murder is still murder..."

Which is why he didn't dare make his little threat there. "And so is slavery and kidnapping." Vlad

countered, stepping closer and staring him down. "I have the blood of the Boyars and Czars 

flowing in my veins, no peasant will bring me to heel..."

"And your wife is what?" The man questioned, not backing down. "Yet she seems to have done

just that. Maybe we sold her for too low a price if her pussy is that...ah..." he gasped the last as 

Vlad grabbed him around his throat.

"She is the Czarina. MY Czarina. You peasant, only speak of her in that respect. As to the other

buyer's concerns, I know of them all. And I know of them and I know of your family. I know all

about your disgusting business. If anything you should be paying me for my distress for having 

to touch one such as yourself!" Vlad finalised as he threw him across the hotel room. Then

pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his hands. "She is my concern and my concern only. She 

will keep your little crime quiet to protect the next Czar but not because we fear any weak 

American, German, Persian, English..."

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