Pinky hold~ Kenma x reader

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I was walking home with my brother Kuroo and his childhood friend Kenma. Kuroo and my parents weren't home, and Kuroo didn't trust his little sibling home alone(even though you're only a year younger). Kuroo wanted to go to Kenma's place, but refused to leave you at home by yourself.
So here you are, walking with your brother and his video game obsessed friend.

Kuroo: Kenma, hand me the phone. You can't play on it while walking. You could get hurt.

Kenma ignored him and continued playing his game. Kuroo looked down to him. Without warning Kuroo snatched the phone out of Kenma's hands.
Kenma looked over to you with pleading eyes, hoping you'd defend him. He was out of luck. You shook your head. Kenma looked down at put his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
You felt bad for not helping out, but you knew your bother was right. You still wanted to show Kenma you were on his side though.
You tugged on his right hand from his jacket pocket. He dropped his hand down next to yours. You grabbed his pinkie and interlocked it with yours. Kenma was used to this sweet gesture since you've done it since you were little. The times you did this were some of his favorite moments with you.

Flashback brought to you by the anime robbing us of thick Bokuto

Kuroo took away Kenma's gaming system since he was playing on it all night long during a sleep over. I and Kenma were both 13 at the time. Kuroo was 14.
Kenma was sitting on Kuroo's bed just staring at the wall. I had a crush on Kenma, and wanted to help out. I got up on the bed and tugged at his hand.

Kenma: Do you need something (Y/N)?

I could hear the tiredness in his voice.

(Y/N): I wanted to try something to ease your frustration with my bother.

Kenma watched my movements as I took his right hand and wrapped my pinky around his. I looked up at him for approval, he nodded. He closed his eyes and relaxed. I decided to lay my head on his shoulder. He hummed in response.

Kuroo started yelling your name from the other room. I immediately jumped off the bed and ran out the room in the direction of your brother.
On my way out I swear I could hear Kenma sigh in disappointment.

Flashback end

I smiled at the memory. God. I still had the biggest crush on him.

Kuroo: I'm a bit hungry. I'm gonna run up to this convenience store to grab a snack. Kenma. Watch them. If anything happens to them, I swear.

Kenma gulped but I tugged at his hand and gave him a smile. This went unnoticed by your brother as he was already half way to the store.
Kenma seemed to still be threatened by him.
I got up on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. He flushed red, but he was used to me doing that. It was almost as if I and him were dating, but we both were to scared to confess. But we were also scared of what my brother would think. i stood in front of him.

(Y/N): Kenma. I really like you. And I know you like me too, but I just want to stop hiding it. I want to be able to hug you, cuddle you, kiss you without anyone bothering us about it. Please Kenma.

Kenma looked down to me and sighed. He cupped my cheek with one hand and kissed my forehead. He kept his hand cupping my cheek as he spoke.

Kenma: I want to do that too. I really do. So let's do it.

I looked up at Kenma with surprised eyes.

(Y/N): really?

Kenma: Really.

I stood up an my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck while he put his arms around my waist.
I leaned in and kissed him. It felt good. But the kiss was short lived because my brother came storming back up in our direction.


Haha. I tried to write a somewhat sweet one. I tried to put Kuroo in the over protective brother role here, don't know if it played out the exact way I wanted it to in my head, but whatever ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

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