Chapter 73: Hardin

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"I can see that. Well, how have you been? The last I heard you were going to America to university."

"Yeah, I did that. I have an English degree."

"Oh, wow! That's marvelous! Your mum must be so proud, how is she?"

I nearly choke on the glass of water I was given as she asks about my mum. Little does she know the true reason why I'm back here.

I feel a hand grab my shoulder. "Mike said Trish wants a salad, and he will just have bangers and mash? Whatever that means." Tessa comes up behind me. Margie looks at Tessa in confusion, and Tessa is giving her the same look back.

"Your mum still eats the same salad as she did back then, not surprised there. Would you want my famous Yorkshire pudding as well?"

"Oh hell yes." My mouth waters at the memory of the best pudding in the entire world. That's how Margie used to bribe me to do homework, with that damned heaven of a pudding.

I turn my attention back to Tessa. "This is Margie. She works at this place and worked here when my mum used to, so I would see her all the time. She would always help me with my homework and sneak some pudding from the kitchen for me."

"This one was a naughty little thing. He always sweet talked me into giving him sweets."

"Hey! You usually offered, or should I say used it to bribe me to do my homework." I chuckle, and she laughs deeply. "Margie, this is Tessa, my wife." I introduce Tessa, and she warmly reaches out her hand to shake Margie's hand.

"Wife?" Margie glances at me with a surprised expression, just like I knew she would. Margie knew me at my worst, and my mum sure as hell told her all the shit I did. I doubt she ever expected me to find someone, let alone someone like Tessa.

"It's nice to meet you." Tessa politely comments.

"An American wife. I'll be damned." Margie shakes her head in disbelief. "I never thought I would see you with such a beautiful woman attached to your side."

"Oh, thank you." She blushes at the compliment.

"I wish Betty was working today so she could see you too."

"She still works here too? Who else still works here?"

"More people than you would think. Um... There's me, Betty, Fiona and Lottie."

My heart drops. Fuck. "Lottie still works here?"

"Yeah, she's still our bartender." She motions her head towards the other side of the bar, and I see Lottie taking a man's drink order.

"Margie, could we get the super green salad, a cheeseburger and two orders of fish and chips to go please?" I order with haste. I've spent enough time here walking down memory lane, but as always, some haunted memory of mine has to come to surface. Thankfully, this place is known for having great service, so it'll probably only be ten minutes before the food comes out.

"Of course." Margie takes the menu from me and quickly walks away. I turn my back to Lottie in hopes that she doesn't see me and I pull Tessa to stand in-between my legs. I twirl a strand of her hair in-between my fingers as she curiously looks around the small pub.

"You said your mother worked here while that woman did?" She asks, and I nod. "So you were here a lot..."

I don't know where she's going with this, but I nod again.

"And Lottie..." She looks down the bar, investigating this woman she knows nothing about. "You knew her too?"

"Yeah, she was the bartender here. She would sneak me some drinks when my mum wasn't looking when I was like fifteen."

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