Chapter 85: Tessa

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Naming a child is such a hard task, and a tiring one. I have been thinking about what I was going to name my child ever since I was a little girl. Back then, I wanted to name my child Barbie and Ken, but thankfully my name preferences have changed since then. I think naming our baby girl after an author or character was a good idea since books are so important to both Hardin and me. The problem is that there are hundreds of authors and even more characters, so the amount of plausible names is still an absurd amount to go through in order to find the perfect one. My brain was so fried from thinking about all the names that I had to take an hour nap to recover. I haven't seen Hardin since we parted a few hours ago. We've both been working alone for the past few hours, which is nice sometimes. No matter how much Hardin and I love spending time together, it's refreshing to take time away from one another. I think this way more than Hardin does, but he can't even lie that he secretly enjoys some time to himself.

With work, I'm continuously double and triple checking that everything is set to go smoothly for Noah and Shannon's wedding, which is just two weeks away. I'm excited to head out to Washington again and see my family after a long month without them. I'm especially looking forward to seeing how my mother is doing. She's been going to many doctors appointments within the past few weeks, but she still insists that everything is okay. I'm not surprised she still treats me like I'm five years old by not telling me the truth even though I'm in my mid twenties. I'm going to chose to believe her for once since I'll be seeing her in such a short time anyways.

My phone buzzes on the table, and it's a message from my mother. Speak of the devil herself.

M: When are you coming to Washington for Noah and Shannon's wedding? Are you flying in the day of or a few days before?

T: I'm flying in two days before the wedding just to set everything up, so expect me there then.

M: I was thinking we should drive together.

T: Mother, I'm the wedding planner for this wedding. I have to be there hours before the wedding even starts.

M: Of course. What about Hardin, will we need to drive him? Is he going to the wedding?

T: I'm not sure yet. I haven't asked him, or Noah. I'm not sure it's the best idea.

M: You're right, but I would still ask. Anyway, I will see you in a week and a half.

T: Have you had any other appointments? How have they been going? Read

I see my mother has read the message, but doesn't text me back. Of course my mind is now assuming the worse. Carol Young does the worst job of easing my anxiety.

I clean up my office, placing everything neatly back in their folders. I have to start organizing it for when I have to leave. I've been so occupied with all this baby drama that I have been getting sloppy. My office had never been as messy as it was when I walked into it four hours ago. College Tessa would be so upset.

My stomach grumbles loudly, reminding me that the only thing I have eaten today was a slice of Hardin's birthday cake. I should probably make Hardin and I dinner since it's close to 7 o'clock.

When I open my office door, my nose is pleasantly surprised by the smell of food. I walk into the kitchen, and Hardin's making some sort of chicken dish.

"Thank goodness you're making dinner. I'm starving." I sit down on the chair at our small bar. Hardin jumps at the sound of my voice.

"Shit! You scared me." He holds his chest as he continues to stir whatever is in that pan. "I don't think one slice of cake is an efficient source of energy for the whole damn day."

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