The Revenge

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News had spread over the realm of the barbaric slaughter of the Starks and the breaking of guest right. Sansa Stark was trapped alone in the capital surrounded by enemies. Arya Stark was stuck with the Hound being followed by The Brotherhood Without Banners.

Gendry POV

Three days had passed since the red wedding and around the twins the evidence covered the lands. The smell of rotting men and horses turned his stomach. Harwin walked by the river bank that's where he found it. The body of a direwolf but the head of Robb Stark was sewed on it's neck.

The body had been tossed away like it was nothing. That's when they caught themselves a Frey, good and alive. The men got him to talk through gold. Harwin wanted the Stark boys body, most likely to bring him in to the light of the lord. Gendry knew Aryy was a Stark and she was most likely dead like everyone else.

Harwin and Thoros followed instructions to Robb Starks body. The sight was horrific, the crown was nailed to the wolfs head on his body other wounds to his body were slippery with black blood. The body was brought before the men they all gasped at the corpse.

The silent sisters swapped the heads around to their proper bodies. "A mere boy." Harwin said "Thoros give him the kiss please. Please." "No." Answered Thoros "Its been too long." "Please he was just a boy. Please for me and his father please." The red priest refused again. Ser Beric bent before him and kissed the boy. Gendry saw the fire of life pass to Robb. Beric fell to the floor grasping his chest and The Starks eyes opened and they were golden.

Gendry looked at Robbs neck where the stitches were. He mourned for his mother, his men and his wolf. No one could save the wolf not even Thoros himself. The Godswood was quiet so much it was unnerving. It gave him the feeling of eyes on him watching his every move.

"Your Grace would you like some food?" "I'm not a king. My men are dead." "Aye your men are dead but you ain't. The Freys ahould pay for their betrayal." Robb stood up uneasily and staggered to the trunk of the heart tree. The bleeding eyes made him feel as if they were judging him and his actions. He knelt and prayed to the old gods.

Demon gods he thought for Gendry had taken the lord of light as his god. "You should follow the lord of light now." "I was raised in the north with these as my gods, I will keep them as my gods." This did not please him. But Robb prayed still and Gendry left him.

Harwin walked up to him. "How's he doing?" "He won't eat. He's sat right now praying to his false tree gods." Harwin placed a hand on his shoulder. "You do not understand the Starks. They have always worshipped the old gods of the north. Robbs father did and his before him. Ned built the first sept ever to be in Winterfell for Catelyn. May she rest peacefully."

"But their gods are false." "Not to them. The children of the forest gave them the old gods and the trees. Old ways die hard here in the north. Now get yourself something to eat I'll talk to Robb. Now go." Gendry walked to the fire to get some stew and keep warm.

He ate his stew whilst sat beside the fire. He thought of Aryy and where she may be. He was a knight now and a member of the brotherhood, he must put her aside now. Lem spoke quietly "Did ya hear about Stannis going to the wall Gendry?" He shook his head with a mouthful of food.

"They say he saved the nights watch from the wildlings. He rules the wall now." "I was going to be a man of the nights watch. Before this war of five kings started." "Aye we know then you and Arya Stark escaped Harrenhal together. You want to know something else about the nights watch?" "Out with it then Lem." "They say the watch is battling the Others." "Shut up. They don't exist."

He leaned in close to Gendry. "They did." Laughing burst out amongst the men. One said "They say the new Lord Commanders a bastard. A Stark bastard. His Graces own brother." "Do you think he'll want to go north?" Gendry asked "After we find his sister maybe." Lem spoke loudly followed by Harwin. "The North Remembers. He will not forget what we have done for him, nor will he forgive those reponsible for his downfall." Silence covered the camp as the men thought of those words and the meaning behind them.

The men understood that the north would have revenge and they were willing to help. Gendry and The Brotherhood Without Banners travelled the Riverlands with The King In The North killing Lannisters and Freys alike. "The north remembers what you and your kind did." Robb told Merret Frey just before he was hanged.

Fear in a mans eyes before he dies had always intrigued Gendry. Did they fear death or hell? Only the lord of the light knew and he did not show him in the flames. Gendry had been present at almost all of the hangings. Frey men seemed to have a weaselly way about them. As slippery as an eel, as sly as a fox and as power hungry as a Lannister.

All the men wanted was the lordship nothing less and it seems given the chance they'd a have a crown upon their brow. Robb had now began to don his crown during the executions, why Gendry didn't know and didn't care. Aryy was who he wanted to find and he believed that revenge could wait but The King In The North didn't.

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