The Vengeful King

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The Northmen are marching south once more wanting vengeance for their murdered lords, lady and men. Robb makes for the Twins first to bring House Frey to its knees as they had done to House Stark.

Robb POV

Everything had told him to stay in the North but he couldn't he is the King in North and the Trident. He has responsibilities to the people who had named him such. He had heard that Edmure Tully had been sent West to Casterly Rock.

They would kill his uncle when he strikes but he needs to. The army reaches the Twins first, he takes the castle within the night they arrive. Robb has Walder Freys oldest fifteen sons, that didn't die in the fighting, lined up infront of him, one by one he slits their throats.

He watches as their lifes blood forms a puddle at their kins useless feet. "You did this. Their blood is on you. You broke guest right, you and yours are cursed." The bodies of the Freys lie lifeless on the wooden floor as the Frey girls are brought in.

"You going t' fuck 'em before you kill 'em, Your Grace." Walder Frey says with amusement in his voice. "I'm not a monster like you." Robb snarls at the former Lord of the Crossing. He turns to the young women and begins to talk in a firm voice.

"My ladies I know you remember the crimes your father did to me and mine. I am afraid that you must pay the price for what he did. It either the Sept or The Silent Sisters for you, if any of my men don't want to take you to wife." Some of the faces pale, others weep but he will not relent from his decision.

Many of the lords will not even look at the Frey women but the soldiers do. His soldiers take a few of the more comely girls to their chambers and tents. The younger girls are spared from this fate. Robb has Walder Frey watch thrown on the floor, he sees Gendrys face as he unsheathes his sword and takes the mans head.

He and his forces stay in the castle as his men take their chosen women to wife. Marriages are performed and consummated before they leave.

Stark banners fly as they march south. They take Harrenhal they stay and relax in the castle as they begin to see Arryn banners marching west to meet them. The banners of Valemen come closer and closer, Robb and his guard go out to meet them.

They get closer and closer as Robb sees a beautiful brunette women leading them forward. Is that? No it couldn't possibly be. The closer he got the more he certain he got. She sits tall upon the horse surrounded by armed men. "Sansa!" He shout as he digs his heels in to his warhorse.

He hears her call out his name. The armed men part as he gallops to her, he dismounts and pulls her from the mare. She hugs him tight to her. He wraps his arms around her. A bound man with dark, greying hair is brought to meet them by a rope around his wrists.

She breaks the embrace and looks at his face. Her eyes fill with tears as she looks at the scar on his neck. She turns to him "This is Petyr Baelish. He's the one that killed Joffery and framed Tyrion." Robb looks at the man who killed his enemy, the one who killed his father.

"What do you want me to do with him?" He asks her. She looks at the man with something he never thought he would see in her eyes, pure hatred. "Do what you will with him." "Take him to Harrenhal." The Valemen haul him forward as Robb and Sansa mount their horses.

She remains quiet as they march. Robb can't but think of what might have happened to her. They reach Harrenhal within the day. Baelish gets taken to the cells as Sansa and Robb go to the scolar to talk of things.

The sister he remembers from Winterfell is all but gone. Her smiles are not as genuine as she would like him to believe. Her brown dress does little to flatter her now womanly body. "I wanted to get you back from the Lannisters but..." She gives him a kind smile. "War is difficult, I know."

"Did they treat you well?" He asks. The smile fades as she shakes her head. "Joffery was a monster. He had me beaten as people watched and laughed. On my wedding night he told me he was going to reinstate the first night." Robb hits the table in anger. "Did he?" She looks at her hands and shakes her head.

"What happened with Baelish?" He asks. If he had not have been raised with her he would not have seen how her face changes slightly at the sound of his name. "It doesn't matter now." She says to him. "It does." He says insistantly "He... he trained me to p...please." Robb feels bile rise in his throat.

He then know exactly what his sister was put through, had he known the Kingslayer would have been traded for her immediately. "I'll have his head!" He shouts out. She just looks at him with those blue eyes that he used to possess. "Did you hear any news of Arya?" She asks him. "No. I had hoped we would have found her but we never did." Silence falls over the two as they know she is most likely dead and buried by now.

"How did you get the Arryn army?" He asks her when he thinks of how many times he had sent ravens asking for their assistance. "I hid in the Vale as Alayne Stone. Petyr insisted that I pretend to be his bastard as the Queen wants my head. He wanted to wed me to Robert Arryns cousin Harry the Heir. Then have me push my claim to Winterfell. He said I needed to be trained to please so Harry will want to marry me."

"You don't need to be trained for someone to love you." He stated with a light smile. "Now you are a widow you can marry again. To a good, kind man who will love you for you." He hopes to comfort her but it fails as she shifts herself in her seat. "I'm not a widow Tyrion is alive somewhere."

He walks to her and pulls her in to a hug. He lets tears fall from his eyes. "It doesn't matter anymore. You will be escorted to Winterfell by twenty good men." He lets her go, wipes his tears and opens the door to Gendry with his black hair and blue eyes he looks like his namesake.

"Gendry come in." He does as he is told. "This is Sansa Stark my sister." Gendry kisses her hand "My lady you are as beautiful as Arya said." The boys eyes open in shock at his own words. "You know her?" Sansa shrieks. Robb feels anger in his stomach, Gendry had never told him that he had known Arya that well.

"I knew her a while ago. We were on the way to the Wall when we were captured and brought here. I comforted, protected and loved her." His head bows and Sansa places her hand on his cheek. "If she is alive we will find her." Robb breaks in to add.

"You will pick out twenty men and escort my sister home, to Winterfell. You will leave in a week." Gendry knods, excuses himself and takes his leave. "I never thought Arya would ever have a admirer." She says with a smile. "Mother would be proud that Arya escaped unharmed." Her smile fades at his words.

"Did she suffer?" "That is not for me to say." With a pale face she stands up she is almost of height with me. "I should rest and prepare to return home." He offers her his arm and escorts her to her chambers. "You will never be alone again. I will always be here for you." He opens the door for her, kisses Sansas cheek, bids her goodnight and orders two guards to remain at her door.

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