The Feast

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The Freys of the Twins had given the Starks of Winterfell guest right. They should be safe within their walls but they were not. As the army feasted and drank, the very men they sat, laughed and ate with plotted the end of The King In The North.

Catelyn POV

The drums could have awoken the Others they were so loud. Catelyn Stark sat next to the lord of Dreadfort, the cold man hadn't touched the wine all evening. Robb was sat eating what was presented to him. Catelyns own brother Edmure sat with his new bride both admiring eachother.

She envied that, Ned hadn't looked at her like that until she had arrived in Winterfell, to find Neds bastard settled in, the boy looked more like Ned even then. Younger than Robb both were still at the breast only Robb was at hers.

She thought of the boy who was now a man of the nights watch and she felt a familiar hatred rise within her. She was disturbed from her thoughts by Lord Bolton excusing himself.

The bedding ceremony, the thing every maid fears most, memories of her own came back to her. She noted Roslin weeping as she was carried to the chamders. She looked around the hall and saw no women, no one who had been loyal to her son.

The music played and drum sounded and her fears worsened. Her ears must have decieved her she thought hopeful, but she knew that song, The Reynes of Castamere. It was badly played but she knew the tune. Lord Walder spoke to her son and she grabbed a Frey mans arm, it was cold and hard. She slapped his face as hard as she could, so hard she even split his lip.

Crossbowmen appeared in the gallery as Frey men turned on their guests. Her son had recieved three arrows and herself one the men carried on with the slaughter. Some men tried to fight but soon fell to the sword.

After the northern men were dead she picked up a dagger off the floor and grabbed Jinglebell Freys long grey hair. She pressed the steel to his neck. "Lord Walder. Lord Walder! Enough you have paid betrayal with betrayal. Let it end please he is my son, my first and my last. Let him go and I swear that we will forget all that you have done here. I swear it by the old gods and the new."

"Only a fool would believe such blather, do you take me for a fool my lady?" "No I take you for a father. I will trade your boys life for Robbs. A son for a son." Lord Walder pointed his long finger at Robb. "What I see there is a son." He pointed at Jinglebell. "He is a grandson and he never was much use anyway."

Shock and fear washed over her as a man in dark armour and pink cloak spotted with blood stepped up tp her son. "Jamie Lannister sends his regards." With that he plunged his long sword through her sons chest and twisted.

Her son may have broken his promise but she didnt. She sawed at Jinglebells neck until the blade touched bone. Someone had managed to get the knife off of her. Madness truly took her then, she had lost everyone Ned, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Robb even little Rickon.

All gone before her this brought a scream to her lips the a laugh. She saw ravens as they ripped flesh off her face leaving deep furrows. "Make an end." Someone said as she wailed. She felt a tug on her hair and steel at her throat then nothing.

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