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He wakes up startled by a noise and finds out that it's 8:20 am already

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He wakes up startled by a noise and finds out that it's 8:20 am already.

He slept the whole night in Mary's room.

He lets go of her hand and gets off the bed walking out of the room and closing the door slowly to avoid any noise.

He takes a shower, unpacks his clothes, settle them in wardrobe, cleans his room, eats his lunch, dances alone in his room for 20 minutes and watches The Notebook for 30 minutes.

And boom it's 3 pm already. There's a knock at his door.

He opens the door and Sabrina barges in.

"So what are you doing weirdo?", she jumps on the bed "really? notebook again?"

"Yessss and I'm bored", Harry says with a sad look.

"Why? It's Christmas time, enjoy"

"I don't have any friends here"

"Friends? What's that?"

"Yeah right", Harry rolls his eyes at her.

"You wanna go out?", she asks him.

"Where?", he asks.

"Hmmm" she pretends to think and finally blurts out "Cafe!"


"Why not?"

"Why tho?"

"Hot son's gonna be there"


"And you can make a friend Harry"

"Do I look like I wanna make any friend here?"

"Yeah you do", she insists "Oh come on don't be a goober If you don't want to make any friend, Fine I'll make one but come with me...pretty please"

"Fine we'll go at 6"

"Yesss okay bye" she jumps out of the bed and leaves him alone.

It's 6 pm and They're at the Tommos' again.

"I'll go in and order for us, you can sit here as usual", she walks in the cafe.


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