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KENJI SLOWLY OPENED his eyes and saw the blurry ceiling of the room they're sleeping in. he blinked.

i dreamt of that again...

yawning, he went to sit up and frowned when he saw that it's dark outside. all his teammates were still sleeping on their futons and the only light came from the moon. he sighed and silently stood up. 

he blinked wearily as he walked down the hallways. he doesn't have a specific destination in mind, but with his mind awake, there is very low chance that he'll fall asleep again. this happens every time he dreams about his accident.

he went inside one of the gyms, which is fortunately unlocked, and grabbed a ball. he switched on a section of lights on the corner and started tossing the ball towards the wall. 

his mind flew, thinking about things that may happen. he's not oblivious to the signs. he's exhausted more often, he sleeps lesser than usual, plus, he trains for more hours. 

i think...

his thoughts were cut when he heard the gym door swing open. he looked and he felt the ball bump his head as it bounced back the wall. he blinked.

"good morning..."

kenji tilted his head in confusion. 

"akaashi-san...? right?"

the aforementioned setter bowed his head in greeting. 

"why are you awake?" the brunet asked. "did i wake you?"

"no. i was going to get water but i saw the lights open." akaashi replied.

kenji nodded and grabbed the ball on the floor. he went to store it back on the basket. 

"did you sleep?"

the third-year was surprised with the question. after tossing the ball to the basket, he slowly turned around to face the setter. 

"...yes." he answered. "i woke up early."

"i see." akaashi nodded. "do you want water too?"

he blinked slowly as he processed the younger's words. he then gave a big smile as he nodded and started walking out the gym. he didn't forget to turn the lights off and close the doors properly.

the walk to the cafeteria was slow and quiet. kenji admiring the slowly lightening sky and akaashi thinking of what to say. "tsubaki-san."

the said male hummed in response.

"what's bothering you?"

the third year grinned. he thought akaashi was the silent and observing one. he's right. 

"first, call me kenji." the brunet smiled.

"alright, kenji-san."

"then..." kenji trailed off.

akaashi walked in first when they entered the cafeteria kitchen. they each grabbed a glass of water and drank quietly as kenji mulled over his thoughts. 

"i'm predicting what's gonna happen." kenji finally answered.  

"...what's gonna happen?"

kenji gave the second-year a smile. "don't worry about it."

akaashi nodded. tsubaki kenji is an enigma. he's difficult to understand and very mysterious at times, but he has this peaceful aura that tells you... everything will be okay.

𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ◦ 𝐡𝐪 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now