Chapter 7:Friends...?

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No one's POV
Chae: it's all ok now Y/n...
She hugged her.
Jk: I can't believe what you've been through
He said in a sad tone.
V:she only told me this because she doesn't want you to worry too much Chae
Chae:yeah...I think you've made the right decision on not telling me Y/n
Y/n:even though it's been a couple of years, I still have nightmares of it
She buried her face into Taehyung's chest while Tae hugging her.
Chae: well Y/n I have a gift for you and you must wear it tomorrow
Y/n wiped her tears and smiled.
Y/n: s-sure...

Taehyung's POV
The Next Day
Jk:Babe,what are you doing there? We have to go to school!
He shouted
Chae: don't worry babe! I'll be down there in just a second! Why don't you and Taehyung go to school first, me and Y/n will catch up with you!
She shouted back from upstairs.
Me:why are you guys taking so long?
Chae:just go! We'll meet you at school!
Y/n: there's no way I'm wearing this Chae!
Chae:just put it on! It suits you!
Chae: don't worry brother, I'm not making her wear something revealing!
Me:you better be! Or else!...*sigh*
Jk: I guess we'll go to school first, we'll wait for them there
Me:fine then...Just make sure to not be late to school!
Chae:yes brother!
Jk: we'll see you later!
Chae:see ya!
At school
15 minutes later
Me: where are they?! It's been 15 minutes!
Jk:calm down Tae, they'll be here soon...
While me and Jk waited for them a girl went near me.
Wait she's a bit familiar...She placed her hands at her back while looking down.
Me:um hi?
???: I'm one of your sister's friends hehe if you remember me...
Me:oh! You're Alice
Her eyes widen and looked away blushing, what's wrong with her?
Alice: o-oh,how do you know my name? D-did Chae told you that...?
Mind: it's actually Y/n who told me,but I can't tell her
Me: y-yeah
Alice:oh! Hehe what else did she talk about me? Hehe I'm just curious
Me:umm well...
I looked at Jk and he knew that I'm uncomfortable,he looked beside him and saw something.
Jk:hey babe!
Chae:hey! Sorry we took so long!
I looked to the direction where Chae and Y/n is and I'm shocked.

Jk:hey babe!Chae:hey! Sorry we took so long!I looked to the direction where Chae and Y/n is and I'm shocked

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My eyes widened and I blushed madly. Y/n is stunning!
Jk:wow Y/n,you did a great job babe
Chae:hehe thanks but there was a way more sexier outfit that I want her to wear but she doesn't want to
She puts
Y/n:Ch-chae... It was a bit overboard...?
She said as she placed her hair on the back of her ear while blushing.
Mind:Gosh,why does she have to be cute?!

Alice's POV
Mind:and here she goes again...stealing my spotlight in front of my senpai!...wait... Is senpai blushing?! Grrr Y/n....just you wait... I must act nice
Me:Y/n! You look beautiful!
Y/n:th-thanks Alice
*Bell Rings*
Me:oh! There's the bell, let's go?
Y/n:ok, Chae let's go
Lunch Time
Me: I'm going to the restroom see you guys later, I'll catch up with you
I walked to the restroom and harshyly placed my bag on the bathroom counter.
Me:just you won't take too long and I'll get my senpai
After School
In my room
Me:ugh! I hate her!
Blaire:we all do
Carol:we must get rid of her!
Me: that's exactly what I want to do
Carol:ooohhh~ don't waste any time, spill it out now!
The Next Day
Chae:what is it?

Y/n's POV
Mind:where are they? Ah! There they are!
Mind:huh? Why are Coral,Blaire and Alice smirking?
Me:um ready to go to class?
Alice:of course!
Me:then let's go!
I was walking when Alice spoke
I halted in my steps and looked back.
Me:is there something wrong?
Carol:we don't want to go to class with you!
My eyes widened
Me: w-what...?
Blaire:you heard us sl*t!
Me:what are you guys talking about...? Chae...?
I noticed Chae, she was just standing there silent.
Carol:you f*cking kissed her boyfriend idiot!
Me: w-what?! I would never!
Blaire:stop lying b*tch!
Me:Chae you have to believe me, I-
Alice:you betrayed her! Stop lying! You don't deserve her to be your bestfriend!
Tears formed in my eyes
Chae: I knew you wouldn't be trusted from the start...
Then my tears fell down my cheek.
Chae: I should have known, you only used me...
Me:Chae! I would never-!
Chae: You're trying to get to my brother by using me
Chae:my brother deserved someone better...
I cried...she looked at Alice and smiled at her
Chae: someone who loves him so much...
Alice smiled back
Chae: would never use me to get to him...
I can't believe this...I felt like my heart is getting stabbed again and again...
Chae:and ...
Carol and Blaire: Alice!
My eyes widened in shock as Alice fell to the ground.
Blaire:why did you f*cking slap her?!
Chae: my brother deserves someone who doesn't lie
Carol:she didn't lie Chae!
Chae:you can fool anyone...but me...
I still stood there still shocked of the situation right in front of me.
Chae: I was talking about you the whole time... Pathetic sl*t... Y/n didn't kissed my boyfriend
Alice:but she did!
Chae:My boyfriend is in his class already...
Chae:and Y/n was with her husband this morning and I saw them...
Chae:yeah...sorry Alice but Taehyung is already taken and if he wasn't, you're not a good match for him...
Alice:what do you mean?! You're making us confused!
A voice from behind was heard.
Tae: I can explain...
At his back is Jungkook. Taehyung went to me and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him.
Tae: I will never love you because the only person that completes my life is my wife
He then looked at me and I blushed.
Alice:what do you mean wife?! I'm your only soon to be wife!
Jk:you got it all wrong Alice...
Carol:senpai~you're teaming up with them?
Chae: don't call my man senpai b*tch
Chae went to Jk and rested her head on his chest meanwhile Jk chuckled on the behavior of his girlfriend and he placed his hands around her waist. On the other hand, Carol and Alice is cursing under their breath and same with Blaire.
Jk: Taehyung is already married to Y/n
All 3 of them:what?!
Tae:you want proof...?
He made me face him and lifted my chin up. He then kissed me in front of everyone. I'm normally super shy but I had the urge to kiss him back so I did. I can feel him smirking between our kisses as he parted our kiss then kissed me again. Few minutes later and he broke the kiss and everybody still had their jaws dropped except for Jungkook and Chae...
Tae: to anyone who hurts my princess, I will make you regret living in this world... Y/n baby let's go~
He said to me as his expression changed in a split second. I just nodded and we left. Jungkook and Chae followed behind us. Chae went with her boyfriend while I went with my boyfriend...well actually, I should say my husband... When we went inside the car he spoke.
Tae:Y/n baby, we will go to America
Y/n:h-huh? Why?
Tae:well... it's for our business but I only agreed because I wanna study with you there and to be known as a couple...I also don't want to see that b*tch everyday at school.
Y/n: what about Chae and Jungkook...?
Tae: don't worry, they're going with us
Y/n:well...ok then!

Couple of Years Later



???:Glad to be back...


Together With The School's Bad Boy|Taehyung FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora