Part 8

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I spent the afternoon hanging out with Tiffany, she really wasn't as bad as I thought she was. Apollo on the other hand. . .

I never would've guessed that I'm part of the paranormal world, so I'm pretty sure that I most certainly never would've known that Apollo hunted my mother's kind. Shape shifters.

Me and Tiffany soon became friends and we exchanged jokes and knowledge about each other, I nearly ended up confessing my fear of calm water. I finally had a friend, one that didn't lie about important subjects, I didn't want them to dump me for a stupid fear of water. I decided to stay, for Apollo's sake, even though I didn't trust him, a part of me loved him, I couldn't hurt him, no matter what.

"Where are we going?" I asked, the blindfold was really annoying me. I could hear the rushing of water. Was Tiffany taking me to the waterfall? Then I smelled chlorine, I wrinkled my nose. Nope, this was a swimming pool. I shoved away all the memories of drowning from my head and waited patiently until Tiffany pulled off the blindfold.

I looked around, squinting when the water hurt my eyes. It was pretty much calm aside from the jets subtly pushing bubbles through the water.

I gulped.

A small breeze blew in and a strand of hair flew into my eye. I tried to brush it away but there was a cord around my wrists, tying them together. I looked around, panicking. Where was Tiffany?

"Tiffany?" I called out nervously. "This isn't a joke."

I heard a low chuckle and a whistle of air then, "No you are absolutely right Ares, this is not a joke."

I screamed when the voice came from right beside me. A cold hand clamped down over my mouth and I was spun around, the movement caused the cord to fall into the water.

Tiffany looked at me with a watchful stare. She looked completely different, and yet exactly the same. She still looked like her but, Tiffany looked. . .wild. And her once neatly tied back hair that fell haggardly over her ashen face kind of sealed the deal.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked when she moved her hand away.

She laughed and bent over, putting her hands up to her weird blue eyes. When she moved them away, they were bright red. I fought back the urge to scream, Tiffany definitely wasn't human, or Marked.

She was a vampire.

My gaze fell to her plump lips as they pulled back to reveal a pair of glistening fangs.

"You smelt delicious ever since Apollo placed you on that bed." I stepped back, my shoes had been taken off, in fact, I was wearing somewhat appropriate clothing to go swimming in, shorts and a T-shirt. I was wearing bathers underneath.

"I, what?" I asked confused, I pretended to not know what she is. I hoped that stalling would be enough to save my life.

"You smelt so. . .sweet, like an apple pie freshly baked with a handful of sugar on top." Tiffany closed her eyes and a small smile appeared on her face.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, wobbling my voice.

Tiffany's deadly calmness stayed as she replied with three elementary words.

"Let's find out."

She lunged for me and shoved us both into the water. The nightmare in real life. The rush of water caused the rope to fall off my wrists and I pushed myself to the surface, coughing up water. I swam freestyle to the other side of the pool. I pulled myself up and felt a sharp tug on my ankle, I screamed in agony. Tiffany had dislocated it. I panted as I tried to stay above the water. I couldn't do much with a stuffed up ankle, my arms weren't that strong.

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