Willard curses on the other side of the phone. "No but that dude is trouble. Inform the gang and we will come with you so you don't get your butt beat." Ren laughs and ends the call.

the next day...

"If that sh!thog tries anything, I'm gonna pound him." Willard says tightening his grip. Chloe rolls her eyes as they enter the racetrack.

"No fighting, Willard." Rusty warns him.

"No promises, Rusty."

Ariel fans the cigarette smoke out of her face. Chuck and his gang were all sitting at his truck in the middle of the track.

"You guys, keep the smoke away from her now. Her daddy smells that, he'll never let her hang out again."

Caroline looks up and sees Ren. "High school field trip's here."

Chuck gets up and hops off his truck. "Twinkle toes. Watching you the other night, that was real entertaining. We thought we'd invite you out here. Maybe you could put on a show for us."

"Chuck, didn't you hear? He's real into gymnastics." Ben says.

Chuck clicks his tongue. "Gymnastics.Well... I thought only fags were into gymnastics." Chloe scoffs at Chuck's comment.

Ren nods."I thought only a$$holes still used the word "fag."

"Touché." Chuck says pointing at Ren. He turns around and walks to the tractor and pulls himself up on it. "Why don't you...try dancing with this?" He starts it up and drives it towards some school buses almost hitting them in the process.

"Now, we race these buses every weekend at the Derby Mash-up. We race them in a figure eight," Chuck makes a 8 in the sand. "Just like this. Two things you gotta worry about. Your corners, and your intersection. You fall behind, you're gonna get hit by the leader. You pull ahead, you just might get slammed by the guy in last place. What do you say, city boy? Ready to race?" Ren nods. Him, Chloe, Willard, and Woody run over to one of the buses.

Woody and Willard start rambling. "Okay, So I drove one of these at a pep rally one time... it ain't easy. All right? If she flips over, crawl out the side window." Ren stares nervously at the wheel.

"If it catches on fire, jump out of it."

"Keep loose."

"Pump your brakes with your foot."

"Pump the brakes. Tell him."

"I just told him."

"Cool. Pump them brakes."

"Guys!" Chloe gives them a look telling the to cut it out.

"All right, man. Good luck." Woody says patting Ren's back.

He turns to him. "Whoa, whoa! Guys, guys. This is pretty dangerous, right? We could get killed?"

Woody laughs."We? What's this "we," white boy? Crazy. Like I'd get my black a** up in here." The two boys leave.

"What'd I get myself into?" Ren says scratching his neck.

Chloe turns to him. "Hey don't worry you'll do great. Just be careful and don't hesitate when it comes to slamming these buses." She says patting his shoulder. "I'm rootin for you, Ren."

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