"Hey, you can look sweetie." The doctor says as a few tears roll down my cheek.

"I don't want to." I spill. Then I hear an interesting sound that I've never seem to come across except in again, cheesy films.

"Is that the heartbeat?" Lucas asks.


I look over at the screen where I see a small white peanut looking thing.

"Is that the baby?" I ask pointing to it.

"That's your baby."

"They're-I knew this before obviously but it's a baby. That's our baby." I look up at Lucas and he smiles. He knows what I want now, he knows.

"That's your baby." The doctor clarifies with a chuckle.

"Why is the heartbeat so fast?" I ask. I feel like I should know this crap but I don't.

"Well the baby is growing very quickly which means it has a much higher metabolism to keep up with all the growing which results in a higher heart rate than adults. The average resting heart rate for an adult is 60-100 while a baby has one that ranged from 100-160. Your baby has a very good and healthy heartbeat. There's nothing wrong with the baby as I can see." She explains.

"So the baby is fine?"


I smile and look at my parents. "I have a healthy baby."

"That's wonderful." My dad smiles as he sees me internally cheer. My mom on the other hand is doing her normal reaction. She leans against the wall and looks away from me, dull and lifeless. I become slightly disappointed that she hasn't necessarily accepted the fact I'm going through with this but I got to see my baby today. My healthy, wonderful little baby.

The daily occurrence begins to happen and she breaks into a cough. The infamous cough that she can't seem to get rid of. She walks outside of the room to finish her pain and my father trails behind her.

"I know this is about you but has your mom gotten that looked at?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, they said it was allergies." I respond.

"I know she's not my patient and I shouldn't have much of a say in this but I don't have to be surgeon or a brilliant bioengineer to know that's not allergies. I came across people who I diagnosed with just allergies but none of them had a cough like that. You don't have that type of harsh hacking cough. She has an infection or something is wrong with her airway. How often does she do that?"

"All of the damn time. It never seems to stop. The only time she stops is when she's sleeping but then her cough will wake her up."

"That's not hay fever. She needs to go to a different doctor because whatever her current one thinks is wrong with her, they're very wrong."

"I'll carry the message on." I most likely won't. If there's something deeply wrong with her, that's good with me. She deserves it for all she's put me through the past few years.

"Can we have a picture of the baby?" Lucas asks.

"Of course. I'll be right back." The doctor walks out the door and Lucas stands next to me with a small smile.

"So, do you still want that abortion?" He asks.

"No. I love our baby. I think I just panicked out of nowhere. Hormones have been putting me all over the place recently."

"I'm glad you want to keep them because I want to keep the baby too. You're gonna make a great mom Liv."

"You'll make a great dad." He lowers down to kiss me on the lips. Soon after the doctor comes back and hands each of us a couple of copies.

"Thank you so much." I tell her.

"No problem."

I look down at the picture and grin. It's beautiful. I know it's just wavy black and white lines but it's our wavy black and white lines. I'm terrified, real terrified, but I know this time that it'll be worth it when I hold my newborn baby in my arms. It sounds cheesy but dammit it's true.

Author's Note:

*everyone having to watch Taylor slowly suffer*

Sorry for the filler ah

Song: 3 Hearts-Alex Clare

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