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Here it is! The chapter with all the accepted entries in this genre with their assigned judges. Make sure to follow your judge listed in the group where you found your entry. NO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED!! However, it is still a rule. If you have any inquiries about your entry, if we spelled your book/username wrong or if you do not see your entry and you're sure you have been accepted, please let us know and we will see to it that it gets fixed as soon as possible

Judge 1:  DivergentDemiWolf

aquilestories - When The Moon Rises

Jvweez - Alpha's Hunt

charlottemallory - The Blood Of Rubies

Kay1beautiful - Her First Love

MounaKacem - Recrudescence

Judge 2: Sydney4l1fe

AmansRose - A Deadly Game

SlytherinChick25 - 'Cause I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In

landofmists - Luna's Pride

pretty_poison_ - The Enchanted

Wolfies_readtoo- Moonlit Songs

Judge 3: amaraming

Sri_1864 - Survivor

FionaCakes91 - The Alpha's Destiny 2 (Fulfilling The Prophecy)

NelleIvy- Trifecta Ice

WritingIsMyDrugXXX- The Legend Of The White Wolf

ruomanuchi - Hidden Lycan

tbankie -His Rose

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